Source code for PenguTrack.Models

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (c) 2016-2017, Alexander Winterl
# This file is part of PenguTrack
# PenguTrack is free software: you can redistribute and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the Licensem, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# PenguTrack is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with PenguTrack. If not, see <>.

Module containing model classes to be used with pengu-track detectors and filters.

from __future__ import print_function, division
import numpy as np
#  import scipy.stats as ss
import scipy.optimize as opt
import pandas

DIM_NAMES = ['X','Y','Z','U','V','W']

[docs]class Model(object): """ This Class describes the abstract function of a physical model in the pengu-track package. It is only meant for subclassing. Attributes ---------- State_dim: int Number of entries in the state-vector. Control_dim: int Number of entries in the control-vector. Meas_dim: int Number of entries in the measurement-vector. Evolution_dim: int Number of entries in the evolution-vector. Opt_Params: list of strings Parameters of model, which can be optimized. Opt_Params_Shape: dict Keys are Opt_Params, entries are tuples containing shapes of the corresponding Parameters. Opt_Params_Borders: dict Keys are Opt_Params, entries are tuples containing borders of the corresponding Parameters. Initial_Args: list The arguments, which were given in the init function. Initial_KWArgs: dict The keyword-arguments, which were given in the init function. State_Matrix: np.asarray The evolution-matrix of the unperturbed system. Control_Matrix: np.asarray The evolution-matrix, which shows the influence of external control. Measurement_Matrix: np.asarray The matrix, which shows how the state vectors are projected into a measurement vector. Evolution_Matrix: np.asarray The matrix, which shows the influence of statistical fluctuations to the state. Measured_Variables: list List of variables, that are measured within the model. State_Variables: list List of variables, that are tracked within the model. Extensions: list List of measured parameters not included in standard model. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ This Class describes the abstract function of a physical model in the pengu-track package. It is only meant for subclassing. Parameters ---------- state_dim: int, optional Number of entries in the state-vector. control_dim: int, optional Number of entries in the control-vector. meas_dim: int, optional Number of entries in the measurement-vector. evo_dim: int, optional Number of entries in the evolution-vector. """ self.State_dim = int(kwargs.pop('state_dim', 1)) self.Control_dim = int(kwargs.pop('control_dim', 1)) self.Meas_dim = int(kwargs.pop('meas_dim', 1)) self.Evolution_dim = int(kwargs.pop('evo_dim', 1)) self.Opt_Params = [] self.Opt_Params_Shape = {} self.Opt_Params_Borders = {} self.Initial_Args = args self.Initial_KWArgs = kwargs self.State_Matrix = np.identity(self.State_dim) self.Control_Matrix = np.identity(max(self.State_dim, self.Control_dim))[:self.State_dim, : self.Control_dim] self.Measurement_Matrix = np.identity(max(self.State_dim, self.Meas_dim))[: self.Meas_dim, :self.State_dim] self.Evolution_Matrix = np.identity(max(self.Evolution_dim, self.State_dim))[:self.State_dim, :self.Evolution_dim] self.Extensions = [] self.Measured_Variables = [] self.State_Variables = []
[docs] def predict(self, state_vector, control_vector): """ Function to predict next state from current state and external control. Parameters ---------- state_vector: array_like Latest state vector. control_vector: array_like Latest control vector. Returns ------- prediction: np.asarray New state vector. """ return self.__state_function__(state_vector) + self.__control_function__(control_vector)
[docs] def measure(self, state_vector): """ Function to predict next measurement from current state. Parameters ---------- state_vector: array_like Latest state vector. Returns ------- measurement: np.asarray Expected measurement vector. """ return self.__measurement_function__(state_vector)
[docs] def evolute(self, random_vector, state_vector=None): """ Function to predict next measurement from current state. Parameters ---------- random_vector: array_like Vector containing the statistical fluctuations. state_vector: array_like, optional Latest state vector. Returns ------- state: np.asarray Calculated state vector. """ if state_vector is None: state_vector = np.zeros(self.State_dim) return state_vector + self.__evolution_function__(random_vector)
def __state_function__(self, state_vector): return, state_vector) def __control_function__(self, control_vector): return, control_vector) def __measurement_function__(self, state_vector): shape = state_vector.shape if shape == (self.State_dim,1): return, state_vector) elif shape == (self.State_dim, self.State_dim): return,, self.Measurement_Matrix.T)) else: raise ValueError("State Vector is not in correct shape! State_Dim is %s"%self.State_dim) def __evolution_function__(self, random_vector): return, random_vector)
[docs] def infer_state(self, meas_vector): """ Tries to infer state from measurement. Parameters ---------- meas_vector: array_like Vector containing the measurement. Returns ------- state: np.asarray Calculated state vector. Raises ------ LinAlgError If the state can not be inferred do to singularity in a matrix-inversion. """ return, meas_vector)
[docs] @staticmethod def pseudo_inverse(matrix): """ Calculates an alternative inverse for non square (non invertible) matrices. Parameters ---------- matrix: array_like Non square Matrix to be inverted. Returns ------- pseudo-inverse: np.asarray Calculated pseudo-inverse. """ matrix = np.asarray(matrix) return, np.linalg.inv(, matrix.T)))
def add_variable(self, var): self.Extensions.append(var) self.State_Variables.append(var) self.Measured_Variables.append(var) self.Meas_dim += 1 self.Evolution_dim += 1 self.State_dim += 1 e_mat = np.zeros((self.State_dim, self.Evolution_dim), dtype=float) e_mat[:-1, :-1] = self.Evolution_Matrix e_mat[-1, -1] = 1. self.Evolution_Matrix = e_mat s_mat = np.zeros((self.State_dim, self.State_dim), dtype=float) s_mat[:-1, :-1] = self.State_Matrix s_mat[-1, -1] = 1. self.State_Matrix = s_mat m_mat = np.zeros((self.Meas_dim, self.State_dim), dtype=float) m_mat[:-1, :-1] = self.Measurement_Matrix m_mat[-1, -1] = 1. self.Measurement_Matrix = m_mat c_mat = np.identity(max(self.State_dim, self.Control_dim))[:self.State_dim, : self.Control_dim] c_mat[:-1, :] = self.Control_Matrix self.Control_Matrix = c_mat def optimize_mult(self, states, params=None): if params is None: params = self.Opt_Params InitArgs = list(self.Initial_Args) InitKWArgs = dict(self.Initial_KWArgs) s = np.vstack([ss[:-1] for ss in states]) s_p1 = np.vstack([ss[1:] for ss in states]) p_opt, p_cov = opt.curve_fit(lambda s,*init_args : self.__opt_func__(s, params, *init_args), s, s_p1.flatten(), # p0=[self.Initial_KWArgs[o]*np.ones(self.Opt_Params_Shape[o]) for o in sorted(params)], p0=self.__flatparams__(self.Initial_KWArgs, params=params), # bounds=[self.Opt_Params_Borders[o] for o in sorted(params)]) bounds=self.__flatborders__(self.Opt_Params_Borders, params=params)) self.__init__(*InitArgs, **InitKWArgs) return p_opt, p_cov def vec_from_meas(self, measurement): out = np.asarray([measurement[v] for v in self.Measured_Variables]) if len(out.shape)<2: out = out[:, None] return out def pos_from_measurement(self, measurement): vars = [m for m in self.Measured_Variables if m.count("Position")] if len(vars)==0: raise ValueError("No Position Variables available!") out = np.asarray([measurement[v] for v in vars]) if len(out.shape)<2: out = out[:, None] return out def pos_from_measVec(self, measurement): vars = [i for i,m in enumerate(self.Measured_Variables) if m.count("Position")] if len(vars)==0: raise ValueError("No Position Variables available!") out = np.asarray([measurement[v] for v in vars]) if len(out.shape)<2: out = out[:, None] return out def pos_from_state(self, state): vars = [i for i,m in enumerate(self.State_Variables) if m.count("Position")] if len(vars)==0: raise ValueError("No Position Variables available!") out = np.asarray([state[v] for v in vars]) if len(out.shape)<2: out = out[:, None] return out def vec_from_pandas(self, pandas_measurement): if isinstance(pandas_measurement, pandas.DataFrame): return np.asarray([[e[k] for k in self.Measured_Variables] for e in pandas_measurement.to_dict("index").values()], dtype=float)[:, :, None] elif isinstance(pandas_measurement, pandas.Series): pandas_measurement = pandas_measurement.to_dict() return np.asarray([pandas_measurement[k] for k in self.Measured_Variables])[:, None] else: raise ValueError("Wrong input type!") def optimize(self, states, params=None): if params is None: params = self.Opt_Params InitArgs = list(self.Initial_Args) InitKWArgs = dict(self.Initial_KWArgs) s = states[:-1] s_p1 = states[1:] p_opt, p_cov = opt.curve_fit(lambda s,*init_args : self.__opt_func__(s, params, *init_args), s, s_p1.flatten(), # p0=[self.Initial_KWArgs[o]*np.ones(self.Opt_Params_Shape[o]) for o in sorted(params)], p0=self.__flatparams__(self.Initial_KWArgs, params=params), # bounds=[self.Opt_Params_Borders[o] for o in sorted(params)]) bounds=self.__flatborders__(self.Opt_Params_Borders, params=params)) self.__init__(*InitArgs, **InitKWArgs) return p_opt, p_cov # def __compare_measurements__(self, measurements): # m = measurements[:-1] # m_p1 = measurements[1:] # return np.mean(np.linalg.norm(m_p1-np.asarray([self.measure(self.predict(self.infer_state(mm), # np.zeros((self.Control_dim, 0)))) for mm in m]), axis=1)) # def __compare_states__(self, states): # s = states[:-1] # s_p1 = s[1:] # return np.mean(np.linalg.norm(s_p1-np.asarray([self.predict(ss, # np.zeros((self.Control_dim, 0))) for ss in s]), axis=1)) def __opt_func__(self, states, params, *init_args): if params is None: params = self.Opt_Params init_args = self.__unflatparams__(init_args, params=params) kwargs = {} kwargs.update(self.Initial_KWArgs) for i,o in enumerate(sorted(params)): kwargs[o] = init_args[i] self.__init__(*self.Initial_Args, **kwargs) return np.asarray([self.predict(ss,np.zeros((self.Control_dim, 1))) for ss in states]).flatten() def __flatparams__(self, param_dict, params=None): if params is None: params = self.Opt_Params param_list = [param_dict[o] * np.ones(self.Opt_Params_Shape[o]) for o in sorted(params)] return np.hstack([p.flatten() for p in param_list]) def __unflatparams__(self, param_array, params=None): if params is None: params = self.Opt_Params lens = [0] lens.extend([len(np.ones(self.Opt_Params_Shape[o]).flatten()) for o in sorted(params)]) cum_lens = np.cumsum(lens) # return dict([[o, np.asarray(param_array[c:l]).reshape(self.Opt_Params_Shape[o])]for l, c, o in zip(cum_lens[1:], cum_lens[:-1], sorted(params))]) return [np.asarray(param_array[c:l]).reshape(self.Opt_Params_Shape[o])for l, c, o in zip(cum_lens[1:], cum_lens[:-1], sorted(params))] def __flatborders__(self, borderarray, params=None): if params is None: params = self.Opt_Params border_0 = [borderarray[o][0] * np.ones(self.Opt_Params_Shape[o]) for o in sorted(params)] border_1 = [borderarray[o][1] * np.ones(self.Opt_Params_Shape[o]) for o in sorted(params)] return np.hstack([p.flatten() for p in border_0]),np.hstack([p.flatten() for p in border_1])
[docs]class RandomWalk(Model): """ This Class describes an easy random walk model. Attributes ---------- State_dim: int Number of entries in the state-vector. Control_dim: int Number of entries in the control-vector. Meas_dim: int Number of entries in the measurement-vector. Evolution_dim: int Number of entries in the evolution-vector. Opt_Params: list of strings Parameters of model, which can be optimized. Opt_Params_Shape: dict Keys are Opt_Params, entries are tuples containing shapes of the corresponding Parameters. Opt_Params_Borders: dict Keys are Opt_Params, entries are tuples containing borders of the corresponding Parameters. Initial_Args: list The arguments, which were given in the init function. Initial_KWArgs: dict The keyword-arguments, which were given in the init function. State_Matrix: np.asarray The evolution-matrix of the unperturbed system. Control_Matrix: np.asarray The evolution-matrix, which shows the influence of external control. Measurement_Matrix: np.asarray The matrix, which shows how the state vectors are projected into a measurement vector. Evolution_Matrix: np.asarray The matrix, which shows the influence of statistical fluctuations to the state. Measured_Variables: list List of variables, that are measured within the model. State_Variables: list List of variables, that are tracked within the model. Extensions: list List of measured parameters not included in standard model. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ This Class describes a physical model in the pengu-track package. Parameters ---------- dim: int, optional Number of dimensions in which the random walk happens. """ dim = kwargs.get('dim', 2) kwargs.update({'state_dim': dim, 'control_dim': dim, 'meas_dim': dim, 'evo_dim': dim}) super(RandomWalk, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.Opt_Params = [] self.Opt_Params_Shape = {} self.Opt_Params_Borders = {} self.Measured_Variables = [] self.State_Variables = [] for i in range(dim): self.Measured_Variables.append("Position%s"%DIM_NAMES[i]) self.State_Variables.append("Position%s"%DIM_NAMES[i])
[docs]class Ballistic(Model): """ This Class describes an simple ballistic model. Attributes ---------- Damping: np.asarray Damping constant(s) for ballistic model. Mass: float Mass of Object. Timeconst: float Step-width of time-discretization. State_dim: int Number of entries in the state-vector. Control_dim: int Number of entries in the control-vector. Meas_dim: int Number of entries in the measurement-vector. Evolution_dim: int Number of entries in the evolution-vector. Opt_Params: list of strings Parameters of model, which can be optimized. Opt_Params_Shape: dict Keys are Opt_Params, entries are tuples containing shapes of the corresponding Parameters. Opt_Params_Borders: dict Keys are Opt_Params, entries are tuples containing borders of the corresponding Parameters. Initial_Args: list The arguments, which were given in the init function. Initial_KWArgs: dict The keyword-arguments, which were given in the init function. State_Matrix: np.asarray The evolution-matrix of the unperturbed system. Control_Matrix: np.asarray The evolution-matrix, which shows the influence of external control. Measurement_Matrix: np.asarray The matrix, which shows how the state vectors are projected into a measurement vector. Evolution_Matrix: np.asarray The matrix, which shows the influence of statistical fluctuations to the state. Measured_Variables: list List of variables, that are measured within the model. State_Variables: list List of variables, that are tracked within the model. Extensions: list List of measured parameters not included in standard model. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ This Class describes a physical model in the pengu-track package. Parameters ---------- dim: int, optional Number of dimensions in which the random walk happens. damping: array_like, optional Damping constant(s) of different dimensions for the model. mass: float, optional Mass of the modelled object. timeconst: float, optional Step-width of time-discretization. """ dim = kwargs.get('dim', 1) kwargs.update({'state_dim': dim*3, 'control_dim': dim*3, 'meas_dim': dim, 'evo_dim': dim}) super(Ballistic, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.Damping = np.zeros(dim) self.Damping[:] = kwargs.get('damping', 0) self.Mass = float(kwargs.get('mass', 1)) self.Timeconst = float(kwargs.get('timeconst', 1)) self.Opt_Params = ['damping', 'mass', 'timeconst'] self.Opt_Params_Shape = {'damping': (dim,), 'mass': (1,), 'timeconst': (1,)} self.Opt_Params_Borders = {'damping': (0, np.inf), 'mass': (0, np.inf), 'timeconst': (0, np.inf)} n = dim matrix = np.zeros((3 * n, 3 * n)) matrix[::3, ::3] = np.diag(np.ones(n)) matrix[1::3, 1::3] = np.diag(np.exp(-1 * self.Damping)) matrix[2::3, 2::3] = np.diag(np.ones(n)) matrix[::3, 1::3] = np.diag(np.ones(n) * self.Timeconst) matrix[1::3, 2::3] = np.diag(np.ones(n) * self.Timeconst / self.Mass) meas = np.zeros((n, n * 3)) meas[:, ::3] = np.diag(np.ones(n)) evo = np.zeros((n * 3, n)) evo[::3, :] = np.diag(np.ones(n)) self.State_Matrix = matrix self.Measurement_Matrix = meas self.Evolution_Matrix = evo self.Measured_Variables = [] self.State_Variables = [] for i in range(dim): self.Measured_Variables.append("Position%s"%DIM_NAMES[i]) self.State_Variables.append("Position%s"%DIM_NAMES[i]) self.State_Variables.append("Velocity%s"%DIM_NAMES[i]) self.State_Variables.append("Force%s"%DIM_NAMES[i])
[docs]class VariableSpeed(Model): """ This Class describes a simple model, assuming slow changing speed-vectors. Attributes ---------- Damping: np.asarray Damping constant(s) for ballistic model. Timeconst: float Step-width of time-discretization. State_dim: int Number of entries in the state-vector. Control_dim: int Number of entries in the control-vector. Meas_dim: int Number of entries in the measurement-vector. Evolution_dim: int Number of entries in the evolution-vector. Opt_Params: list of strings MultiKal.Model.optimize(state_dict[0]) Parameters of model, which can be optimized. Opt_Params_Shape: dict Keys are Opt_Params, entries are tuples containing shapes of the corresponding Parameters. Opt_Params_Borders: dict Keys are Opt_Params, entries are tuples containing borders of the corresponding Parameters. Initial_Args: list The arguments, which were given in the init function. Initial_KWArgs: dict The keyword-arguments, which were given in the init function. State_Matrix: np.asarray The evolution-matrix of the unperturbed system. Control_Matrix: np.asarray The evolution-matrix, which shows the influence of external control. Measurement_Matrix: np.asarray The matrix, which shows how the state vectors are projected into a measurement vector. Evolution_Matrix: np.asarray The matrix, which shows the influence of statistical fluctuations to the state. Measured_Variables: list List of variables, that are measured within the model. State_Variables: list List of variables, that are tracked within the model. Extensions: list List of measured parameters not included in standard model. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ This Class describes the function of a physical model in the pengu-track package. Parameters ---------- dim: int, optional Number of dimensions in which the random walk happens. damping: array_like, optional Damping constant(s) of different dimensions for the model. mass: float, optional Mass of the modelled object. timeconst: float, optional Step-width of time-discretization. """ dim = kwargs.get('dim', 1) kwargs.update({'state_dim': dim*2, 'control_dim': dim*2, 'meas_dim': dim, 'evo_dim': dim}) self.Damping = np.zeros(dim) self.Damping[:] = kwargs.get('damping', 0) kwargs.update({'damping': self.Damping}) self.Timeconst = float(kwargs.get('timeconst', 1)) kwargs.update({'timeconst': self.Timeconst}) super(VariableSpeed, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.Opt_Params = ['damping', 'timeconst'] self.Opt_Params_Shape = {'damping': (dim,), 'timeconst': (1,)} self.Opt_Params_Borders = {'damping': (0, np.inf), 'timeconst': (0, np.inf)} n = dim matrix = np.zeros((2*n, 2*n)) matrix[::2, ::2] = np.diag(np.ones(n)) matrix[1::2, 1::2] = np.diag(np.exp(-1*self.Damping)) matrix[::2, 1::2] = np.diag(np.ones(n)*self.Timeconst) meas = np.zeros((n, n*2)) meas[:, ::2] = np.diag(np.ones(n)) evo = np.zeros((n*2, n)) evo[1::2, :] = np.diag(np.ones(n)) self.State_Matrix = matrix self.Measurement_Matrix = meas self.Evolution_Matrix = evo self.Measured_Variables = [] self.State_Variables = [] for i in range(dim): self.Measured_Variables.append("Position%s"%DIM_NAMES[i]) self.State_Variables.append("Position%s"%DIM_NAMES[i]) self.State_Variables.append("Velocity%s"%DIM_NAMES[i])
[docs]class BallisticWSpeed(VariableSpeed): """ This Class describes a simple model, assuming slow changing speed-vectors. Attributes ---------- Damping: np.asarray Damping constant(s) for ballistic model. Timeconst: float Step-width of time-discretization. State_dim: int Number of entries in the state-vector. Control_dim: int Number of entries in the control-vector. Meas_dim: int Number of entries in the measurement-vector. Evolution_dim: int Number of entries in the evolution-vector. Opt_Params: list of strings MultiKal.Model.optimize(state_dict[0]) Parameters of model, which can be optimized. Opt_Params_Shape: dict Keys are Opt_Params, entries are tuples containing shapes of the corresponding Parameters. Opt_Params_Borders: dict Keys are Opt_Params, entries are tuples containing borders of the corresponding Parameters. Initial_Args: list The arguments, which were given in the init function. Initial_KWArgs: dict The keyword-arguments, which were given in the init function. State_Matrix: np.asarray The evolution-matrix of the unperturbed system. Control_Matrix: np.asarray The evolution-matrix, which shows the influence of external control. Measurement_Matrix: np.asarray The matrix, which shows how the state vectors are projected into a measurement vector. Evolution_Matrix: np.asarray The matrix, which shows the influence of statistical fluctuations to the state. Measured_Variables: list List of variables, that are measured within the model. State_Variables: list List of variables, that are tracked within the model. Extensions: list List of measured parameters not included in standard model. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ This Class describes the function of a physical model in the pengu-track package. Parameters ---------- dim: int, optional Number of dimensions in which the random walk happens. damping: array_like, optional Damping constant(s) of different dimensions for the model. mass: float, optional Mass of the modelled object. timeconst: float, optional Step-width of time-discretization. """ dim = kwargs.get('dim', 1) super(BallisticWSpeed, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.Meas_dim = self.State_dim self.Measurement_Matrix = np.diag(np.ones(self.State_dim)) self.Measured_Variables = [] self.State_Variables = [] for i in range(dim): self.Measured_Variables.append("Position%s"%DIM_NAMES[i]) self.Measured_Variables.append("Velocity%s"%DIM_NAMES[i]) self.State_Variables.append("Position%s"%DIM_NAMES[i]) self.State_Variables.append("Velocity%s"%DIM_NAMES[i])
[docs]class AR(Model): """ This Class describes an auto-regressive model. Attributes ---------- Order: int Order of the AR-Process. Order = 1 equals an AR1-Process. Coefficients: np.asarray Coefficients of the AR-Process. These describe the time-dependent behaviour of the model. State_dim: int Number of entries in the state-vector. Control_dim: int Number of entries in the control-vector. Meas_dim: int Number of entries in the measurement-vector. Evolution_dim: int Number of entries in the evolution-vector. Opt_Params: list of strings Parameters of model, which can be optimized. Opt_Params_Shape: dict Keys are Opt_Params, entries are tuples containing shapes of the corresponding Parameters. Opt_Params_Borders: dict Keys are Opt_Params, entries are tuples containing borders of the corresponding Parameters. Initial_Args: list The arguments, which were given in the init function. Initial_KWArgs: dict The keyword-arguments, which were given in the init function. State_Matrix: np.asarray The evolution-matrix of the unperturbed system. Control_Matrix: np.asarray The evolution-matrix, which shows the influence of external control. Measurement_Matrix: np.asarray The matrix, which shows how the state vectors are projected into a measurement vector. Evolution_Matrix: np.asarray The matrix, which shows the influence of statistical fluctuations to the state. Measured_Variables: list List of variables, that are measured within the model. State_Variables: list List of variables, that are tracked within the model. Extensions: list List of measured parameters not included in standard model. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ This Class describes the function of a physical model in the pengu-track package. Parameters ---------- dim: int, optional Number of dimensions in which the random walk happens. order: int optional Order of the AR-Process. Order = 1 equals an AR1-Process. coefficients: array_like, optional Coefficients describing the time evolution of the AR-Process. """ order = kwargs.get('order', 1) order += 1 dim = kwargs.get('dim', 1) kwargs.update({'state_dim': dim * order, 'control_dim': dim * order, 'meas_dim': dim, 'evo_dim': dim}) super(AR, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.Coefficients = np.zeros(order) self.Coefficients[:] = kwargs.get('coefficients', 0) self.Order = order self.Opt_Params = ['coefficients'] self.Opt_Params_Shape = {'coefficients': (order,)} self.Opt_Params_Borders = {'coefficients': (-np.inf, np.inf)} matrix = np.zeros((order*dim, order*dim)) for i, c in enumerate(self.Coefficients): matrix[::order, i::order] += np.diag(np.ones(dim)*c) for i, c in enumerate(self.Coefficients[1:]): matrix[i+1::order, i::order] += np.diag(np.ones(dim)) meas = np.zeros((dim, order*dim)) meas[:, ::order] = np.diag(np.ones(dim)) evo = np.zeros((order*dim, dim)) evo[::order, :] = np.diag(np.ones(dim)) self.State_Matrix = matrix self.Measurement_Matrix = meas self.Evolution_Matrix = evo self.Measured_Variables = [] self.State_Variables = [] for i in range(dim): self.Measured_Variables.append("Position%s"%DIM_NAMES[i]) for j in range(order): self.State_Variables.append("%s_Order_Parameter%s"%(j, DIM_NAMES[i]))
[docs]class MA(Model): """ This Class describes an moving-average model. Attributes ---------- Order: int Order of the MA-Process. Order = 1 equals an MA1-Process. Coefficients: np.asarray Coefficients of the AR-Process. These describe the time-dependent behaviour of the model. State_dim: int Number of entries in the state-vector. Control_dim: int Number of entries in the control-vector. Meas_dim: int Number of entries in the measurement-vector. Evolution_dim: int Number of entries in the evolution-vector. Opt_Params: list of strings Parameters of model, which can be optimized. Opt_Params_Shape: dict Keys are Opt_Params, entries are tuples containing shapes of the corresponding Parameters. Opt_Params_Borders: dict Keys are Opt_Params, entries are tuples containing borders of the corresponding Parameters. Initial_Args: list The arguments, which were given in the init function. Initial_KWArgs: dict The keyword-arguments, which were given in the init function. State_Matrix: np.asarray The evolution-matrix of the unperturbed system. Control_Matrix: np.asarray The evolution-matrix, which shows the influence of external control. Measurement_Matrix: np.asarray The matrix, which shows how the state vectors are projected into a measurement vector. Evolution_Matrix: np.asarray The matrix, which shows the influence of statistical fluctuations to the state. Measured_Variables: list List of variables, that are measured within the model. State_Variables: list List of variables, that are tracked within the model. Extensions: list List of measured parameters not included in standard model. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ This Class describes the function of a physical model in the pengu-track package. Parameters ---------- dim: int, optional Number of dimensions in which the random walk happens. order: int optional Order of the MA-Process. Order = 1 equals an MA1-Process. coefficients: array_like, optional Coefficients describing the time evolution of the MA-Process. """ order = kwargs.get('order', 1) order += 1 dim = kwargs.get('dim', 1) kwargs.update({'state_dim': dim * (order+1), 'control_dim': dim * (order+1), 'meas_dim': dim, 'evo_dim': dim}) super(MA, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.Coefficients = np.zeros(order) self.Coefficients[:] = kwargs.get('coefficients', 0) self.Order = order self.Opt_Params = ['coefficients'] self.Opt_Params_Shape = {'coefficients': (order,)} self.Opt_Params_Borders = {'coefficients': (-np.inf, np.inf)} matrix = np.zeros(((order+1)*dim, (order+1)*dim)) matrix[::order+1, ::order+1] += np.diag(np.ones(dim)*self.Coefficients[0]) matrix[::order+1, order::order+1] += np.diag(np.ones(dim)*self.Coefficients[-1]*-1*self.Coefficients[0]) matrix[1::order+1, ::order+1] += np.diag(np.ones(dim)) if self.Coefficients.shape[0] == 1: matrix[::order+1, 1::order+1] += np.diag(np.ones(dim)) for i, c in enumerate(self.Coefficients[1:]): matrix[::order+1, i+1::order+1] += np.diag(np.ones(dim)*c*(1-self.Coefficients[0])) matrix[i+2::order+1, i+1::order+1] += np.diag(np.ones(dim)) for i, c in enumerate(self.Coefficients): matrix[1::order+1, i+1::order+1] += -1*np.diag(np.ones(dim)*c) meas = np.zeros((dim, (order+1)*dim)) meas[:, ::order+1] = np.diag(np.ones(dim)) evo = np.zeros(((order+1)*dim, dim)) evo[::order+1, :] = np.diag(np.ones(dim)) self.State_Matrix = matrix self.Measurement_Matrix = meas self.Evolution_Matrix = evo self.Measured_Variables = [] self.State_Variables = [] for i in range(dim): self.Measured_Variables.append("Position%s"%DIM_NAMES[i]) self.State_Variables.append("Position%s"%DIM_NAMES[i]) for j in range(order): self.State_Variables.append("%s_History_%s"%(j,DIM_NAMES[i]))