Source code for PenguTrack.Detectors

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (c) 2016-2017, Alexander Winterl
# This file is part of PenguTrack
# PenguTrack is free software: you can redistribute and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the Licensem, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# PenguTrack is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with PenguTrack. If not, see <>.
Module containing detector classes to be used with pengu-track filters and models.

from __future__ import division, print_function

import numpy as np
import skimage.feature
import skimage.transform
import skimage.measure
import skimage.color
import skimage.filters as filters
import skimage.morphology
from skimage import img_as_uint
from skimage.measure import regionprops

from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import map_coordinates
from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import shift

from scipy import ndimage as ndi
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator
from scipy.ndimage.measurements import label
from scipy import stats
from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter

from skimage.morphology import watershed
from skimage.feature import peak_local_max

from .Parameters import Parameter, ParameterList

import pandas

    from skimage.filters import threshold_niblack
except IOError:
    threshold_niblack = lambda image: image > filters.threshold_otsu(image)
except ImportError:
    threshold_niblack = lambda image: image > filters.threshold_otsu(image)

    import cv2
except ImportError:
    print("No CV2 found. Optical Flow Detectors not usable!")

[docs]class dotdict(dict): """ enables dot access on dicts """ def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr.startswith('__'): raise AttributeError if attr not in self: raise AttributeError return self.get(attr, None) __setattr__ = dict.__setitem__ __delattr__ = dict.__delitem__
def measurements_to_pandasDF(measurement_list): entries = ["Log_Probability", "PositionX", "PositionY", "PositionZ", "Covariance", "Frame"] extra_keys = set() for m in measurement_list: entries = [e for e in entries if e in m.keys()] extra_keys.update(m.Data.keys()) entries.extend(extra_keys) return pandas.DataFrame([[m.get(e, None) for e in entries] for m in measurement_list], columns=entries) def measurements_to_array(measurements): entries = ["Log_Probability", "PositionX", "PositionY", "PositionZ", "Covariance", "Frame"] extra_keys = set() for m in measurement_list: entries = [e for e in entries if e in m.keys()] extra_keys.update(m.Data.keys()) entries.extend(extra_keys) return np.asarray([[m[e] for e in entries] for m in measurements], dtype=float) def pandasDF_to_array(DF): entries = ["Log_Probability", "PositionX", "PositionY", "PositionZ", "Covariance", "Frame"] entries = [e for e in entries if e in DF.columns] entries.extend([e for e in DF.columns if e not in entries]) return np.vstack([DF[e] for e in entries]).T def pandasDF_to_measurement(DF): dims = [] for k in ["X", "Y", "Z"]: if "Position%s"%k in DF.columns: dims.append("Position%s"%k) keys = set(DF.columns).difference(dims) keys = keys.difference(["Log_Probability"]) if "Log_Probability" in DF.columns: return [Measurement(d["Log_Probability"], [d[k] for k in dims], data=dict([[k, d[k]] for k in keys])) for i, d in DF.iterrows()] else: return [Measurement(1., [d[k] for k in dims], data=dict([[k, d[k]] for k in keys])) for i, d in DF.iterrows()] def array_to_pandasDF(array, keys=[], dim=2): array = np.asarray(array, dtype=float) if len(array.shape) != 2: raise ValueError("Array shape does not fit!") s = array.shape[1] n = array.shape[0] if s == dim: entries = ["PositionX", "PositionY", "PositionZ"][:dim] elif s == dim+1: entries = ["Log_Probability","PositionX", "PositionY", "PositionZ"][:1+dim] elif s == dim+len(keys): entries = ["PositionX", "PositionY", "PositionZ"][:dim] entries.extend(keys) elif s == dim+len(keys)+1: entries = ["Log_Probability", "PositionX", "PositionY", "PositionZ"][:1+dim] entries.extend(keys) elif s == len(keys): entries = keys else: raise ValueError("Can not interpret input array!") if "Log_Probability" not in entries: return pandas.DataFrame(np.hstack((np.zeros((n, 1)), array)), columns=entries) else: return pandas.DataFrame(array, columns=entries) def array_to_measurement(array, keys=[], dim=2): array = np.asarray(array, dtype=float) if len(array.shape) != 2: raise ValueError("Array shape does not fit!") s = array.shape[1] n = array.shape[0] if s == dim: entries = ["PositionX", "PositionY", "PositionZ"][:dim] elif s == dim+1: entries = ["Log_Probability","PositionX", "PositionY", "PositionZ"][:1+dim] elif s == dim+len(keys): entries = ["PositionX", "PositionY", "PositionZ"][:dim] entries.extend(keys) elif s == dim+len(keys)+1: entries = ["Log_Probability", "PositionX", "PositionY", "PositionZ"][:1+dim] entries.extend(keys) elif s == len(keys): entries = keys else: raise ValueError("Can not interpret input array!") dim_names = ["PositionX", "PositionY", "PositionZ"][:dim] non_dim_entries = [e for e in entries if (e not in dim_names and e!="Log_Probability")] if "Log_Probability" in entries: return [Measurement(a[entries.index("Log_Probability")], [a[entries.index(d)] for d in dim_names], data=dict([[e, a[entries.index(e)]] for e in non_dim_entries])) for a in array] else: return [Measurement(0., [a[entries.index(d)] for d in dim_names], data=dict([[e, a[entries.index(e)]] for e in non_dim_entries])) for a in array]
[docs]class Measurement(dotdict): """ Base Class for detection results. """ def __init__(self, log_probability, position, cov=None, data=None, frame=None, track_id=None): """ Base Class for detection results. probability: float Estimated logarithmic probability of measurement. position: array_like Position of measurement cov: array_like Covariance matrix of the position or measurement errors data: dict or array_like Additional data of the measurement frame: int, optional Number of Frame, on which the measurement took place. track_id: int, optional Track, for which this measurement was searched. """ super(Measurement, self).__init__() self.Log_Probability = float(log_probability) try: self.PositionX, self.PositionY, self.PositionZ = np.asarray(position) self.dim = 3 except ValueError: try: self.PositionX, self.PositionY = np.asarray(position) self.dim = 2 except ValueError: self.PositionX = float(position) self.dim = 1 if track_id is not None: self.Track_Id = int(track_id) else: self.Track_Id = None if cov is not None: cov = np.asarray(cov) if len(cov.shape)<1: self.Covariance = np.ones(len(position))*float(cov) elif len(cov.shape)<2: self.Covariance = np.diag(cov[:len(position)]) else: self.Covariance = cov else: self.Covariance = np.ones(len(position)) if frame is not None: self.Frame = int(frame) else: self.Frame = None self.Data = data if type(self.Data) is dict: for k in self.Data: if not k in self: self.update({k: self.Data[k]}) else: raise ValueError("Key %s already used for inner argument. Change key!") def getPosition(self): try: return np.asarray([self.PositionX, self.PositionY, self.PositionZ], dtype=float) except AttributeError: try: return np.asarray([self.PositionX, self.PositionY], dtype=float) except ValueError: return np.asarray([self.PositionX], dtype=float) def getVector(self, keys): return [self[k] for k in keys] def getEntryKeys(self): keys = ["Log_Probability"] keys.extend(["PositionX","PositionY", "PositionZ"][:self.dim]) keys.extend(self.Data.keys()) return keys def getEntries(self): keys = self.getEntryKeys() return np.asarray([self[k] for k in keys], dtype=float)
def detection_parameters(**detection_parameters): def real_decorator(function): function.detection_parameters = detection_parameters return function return real_decorator
[docs]class Detector(object): """ This Class describes the abstract function of a detector in the pengu-track package. It is only meant for subclassing. """ def __init__(self): super(Detector, self).__init__() self.ParameterList = ParameterList() def detect(self, *args, **kwargs): return pandas.DataFrame(np.random.rand(2), columns=["PositionX", "PositionY"]) # return Measurement(1., np.random.rand(2)) def __getattribute__(self, item): if item != "ParameterList": if item in self.ParameterList.keys(): return self.ParameterList[item] return super(Detector, self).__getattribute__(item) def __setattr__(self, key, value): if key != "ParameterList" and key in self.ParameterList.keys(): self.ParameterList[key] = value else: return super(Detector, self).__setattr__(key, value)
[docs]class BlobDetector(Detector): """ Detector classifying objects by size and number to be used with pengu-track modules. """ def __init__(self, object_size=1, object_number=1, threshold=None): """ Detector classifying objects by size and number. Parameters ---------- object_size: non-zero int Smallest diameter of an object to be detected. object_number: non-zero int If threshold in None, this number specifies the number of objects to track in the first picture and sets the threshold accordingly. threshold: float, optional Threshold for binning the image. return_regions: bool, optional If True, function will return skimage.measure.regionprops object, else a list of the blob centroids and areas. """ super(BlobDetector, self).__init__() self.ObjectSize = int(object_size) self.ObjectNumber = int(object_number) self.Threshold = threshold self.ParameterList = ParameterList(Parameter("ObjectSize", object_size, min=0, value_type=int), Parameter("ObjectNumber", object_number, min=0, value_type=int), Parameter("Threshold", threshold, value_type=float) )
[docs] @detection_parameters(image=dict(frame=0, mask=False)) def detect(self, image): """ Detection function. Parts the image into blob-regions with size according to object_size. Returns information about the regions. Parameters ---------- image: array_like Image will be converted to uint8 Greyscale and then binnearized. Returns ---------- regions: array_like List of information about each blob of adequate size. """ image = np.asarray(image, dtype=int) while len(image.shape) > 2: image = np.linalg.norm(image, axis=-1) if self.Threshold is None: filtered = skimage.filters.laplace(skimage.filters.gaussian(image.astype(np.uint8), self.ObjectSize)) filtermax = filtered.max() filtermin = filtered.min() n = 255 for i in range(n): threshold = filtermin + (filtermax - filtermin) * (1. - i/(n-1.)) regions = skimage.measure.regionprops(skimage.measure.label(filtered > threshold)) if len(regions) > self.ObjectNumber: self.Threshold = threshold print("Set Blob-Threshold to %s" % threshold) break regions = skimage.measure.regionprops( skimage.measure.label( skimage.filters.laplace( skimage.filters.gaussian(image.astype(np.uint8), self.ObjectSize)) > self.Threshold )) out = pandas.DataFrame([[props.centroid[0], props.centroid[1], 1.] for props in regions], columns=["PositionX", "PositionY", "Log_Probability"]) # out = [Measurement(1., props.centroid) for props in regions] return out, None
[docs]class SimpleAreaDetector2(Detector): """ Detector classifying objects by area and number to be used with pengu-track modules. """ def __init__(self, object_area=1, object_number=1, threshold=None, lower_limit=None, upper_limit=None, distxy_boundary=10, distz_boundary=21): """ Detector classifying objects by number and size, taking area-separation into account. Parameters ---------- object_size: non-zero int Smallest diameter of an object to be detected. object_number: non-zero int If threshold in None, this number specifies the number of objects to track in the first picture and sets the threshold accordingly. threshold: float, optional Threshold for binning the image. """ super(SimpleAreaDetector2, self).__init__() self.distxy_boundary = distxy_boundary self.distz_boundary = distz_boundary self.start_ObjectArea = int(object_area) self.sample_size = 1 self.ObjectArea = int(object_area) self.ObjectNumber = object_number if lower_limit: self.LowerLimit = int(lower_limit) else: self.LowerLimit = int(0.4*self.ObjectArea) if upper_limit: self.UpperLimit = int(upper_limit) else: self.UpperLimit = int(1.6*self.ObjectArea) self.Threshold = threshold self.Sigma = np.sqrt((self.UpperLimit-self.LowerLimit)/(4*np.log(1./0.95))) self.ParameterList = ParameterList(Parameter("ObjectArea", object_area, min=0., value_type=float), Parameter("ObjectNumber", object_number, min=0, value_type=int), Parameter("Sigma", self.Sigma, min=0, value_type=float), Parameter("Threshold", self.Threshold, value_type=float), Parameter("LowerLimit", self.LowerLimit, value_type=float), Parameter("UpperLimit", self.UpperLimit, value_type=float), Parameter("distxy_boundary", self.distxy_boundary, value_type=float), Parameter("distz_boundary", self.distz_boundary, value_type=float) )
[docs] @detection_parameters(image=dict(frame=0, mask=False), mask=dict(frame=0, mask=True)) def detect(self, image, mask): """ Detection function. Parts the image into blob-regions with size according to their area. Returns information about the regions. Parameters ---------- image: array_like Image will be converted to uint8 Greyscale and then binnearized. Returns ------- regions: array_like List of information about each blob of adequate size. """ image[mask] = np.zeros_like(image)[mask] j_max = np.amax(image) stack = np.zeros((j_max, image.shape[0], image.shape[1]), dtype=np.bool) for j in range(j_max): stack[j, image == j] = True labels, n = label(stack, structure=np.ones((3, 3, 3))) index_data2 = np.zeros_like(image) for l in labels: index_data2[l > 0] = l[l > 0] while len(index_data2.shape) > 2: index_data2 = np.linalg.norm(index_data2, axis=-1) labeled = skimage.measure.label(index_data2, connectivity=2) # Filter the regions for area and convexity regions_list = [prop for prop in skimage.measure.regionprops(labeled, intensity_image=image) if (self.UpperLimit > prop.area > self.LowerLimit)] if len(regions_list) <= 0: return np.asarray([]) print("Object Area at ", self.ObjectArea, "pm", self.Sigma) out = [] sigma = self.Sigma mu = self.ObjectArea for prop in regions_list: prob = np.log(self.ObjectNumber / (2 * np.pi * sigma ** 2) ** 0.5) - 0.5 * (( prop.area - mu) / sigma) ** 2 intensities = prop.intensity_image[prop.image] mean_int = np.mean(intensities) std_int = np.std(intensities) out.append([prop.centroid[0], prop.centroid[1], mean_int, prob, std_int]) out = pandas.DataFrame(out, columns=["PositionX", "PositionY", "PositionZ", "Log_Probability", "IntensitySTD"]) # out = [Measurement(o[3], o[:3], data={"IntensitySTD":o[4]}) for o in out] Positions2D = out Positions2D_cor = [] for i1, pos1 in enumerate(Positions2D): Log_Probability1 = pos1.Log_Probability x1 = pos1.PositionX y1 = pos1.PositionY z1 = pos1.PositionZ inc = 0 for j1, pos2 in enumerate(Positions2D): Log_Probability2 = pos2.Log_Probability Log_Probability = (Log_Probability1 + Log_Probability2)/2. x2 = pos2.PositionX y2 = pos2.PositionY z2 = pos2.PositionZ PosZ = (z1 + z2)/2. dist = np.sqrt((x1 - x2) ** 2. + (y1 - y2) ** 2.) distz = np.abs(z1 - z2)*10. if dist < self.distxy_boundary and dist != 0 and distz < self.distz_boundary: x3 = (x1 + x2) / 2. y3 = (y1 + y2) / 2. if [x3, y3, Log_Probability, PosZ] not in Positions2D_cor: Positions2D_cor.append([x3, y3, Log_Probability, PosZ]) print("Replaced") inc += 1 if inc == 0: Positions2D_cor.append([x1, y1, Log_Probability1, z1]) Positions3D = [] for pos in Positions2D_cor: Positions3D.append([pos[0], pos[1], pos[3], pos[2]]) Positions3D = pandas.DataFrame(Positions3D, columns=["PositionX", "PositionY", "PositionZ", "Log_Probability"]) # Positions3D = [Measurement(o[3], o[:3]) for o in out] return Positions3D, None
[docs]class SimpleAreaDetector(Detector): """ Detector classifying objects by area and number to be used with pengu-track modules. """ def __init__(self, object_area=1, object_number=1, threshold=None, lower_limit=None, upper_limit=None): """ Detector classifying objects by number and size, taking area-separation into account. Parameters ---------- object_size: non-zero int Smallest diameter of an object to be detected. object_number: non-zero int If threshold in None, this number specifies the number of objects to track in the first picture and sets the threshold accordingly. threshold: float, optional Threshold for binning the image. """ super(SimpleAreaDetector, self).__init__() self.start_ObjectArea = int(object_area) self.sample_size = 1 self.ObjectArea = int(object_area) self.ObjectNumber = object_number if lower_limit: self.LowerLimit = int(lower_limit) else: self.LowerLimit = int(0.4*self.ObjectArea) if upper_limit: self.UpperLimit = int(upper_limit) else: self.UpperLimit = int(1.6*self.ObjectArea) self.Threshold = threshold self.Sigma = np.sqrt((self.UpperLimit-self.LowerLimit)/(4*np.log(1./0.95))) # self.ObjectArea/2. self.ParameterList = ParameterList(Parameter("ObjectArea", object_area, min=0., value_type=float), Parameter("ObjectNumber", object_number, min=0, value_type=int), Parameter("Sigma", self.Sigma, min=0, value_type=float), Parameter("Threshold", self.Threshold, value_type=float), Parameter("LowerLimit", self.LowerLimit, value_type=float), Parameter("UpperLimit", self.UpperLimit, value_type=float) )
[docs] @detection_parameters(image=dict(frame=0, mask=False)) def detect(self, image): """ Detection function. Parts the image into blob-regions with size according to their area. Returns information about the regions. Parameters ---------- image: array_like Image will be converted to uint8 Greyscale and then binnearized. Returns ------- regions: array_like List of information about each blob of adequate size. """ while len(image.shape) > 2: image = np.linalg.norm(image, axis=-1) labeled = skimage.measure.label(image, connectivity=2) # Filter the regions for area and convexity regions_list = [prop for prop in skimage.measure.regionprops(labeled) if (self.UpperLimit >= prop.area >= self.LowerLimit and prop.solidity > 0.5)] if len(regions_list) <= 0: return np.asarray([]) print("Object Area at ", self.ObjectArea, "pm", self.Sigma) out = [] sigma = self.Sigma mu = self.ObjectArea for prop in regions_list: prob = np.log(self.ObjectNumber / (2 * np.pi * sigma ** 2) ** 0.5) - 0.5 * (( prop.area - mu) / sigma) ** 2 o = list(prop.centroid) o.append(prob) out.append(o) out = pandas.DataFrame(out, columns=["PositionX", "PositionY", "Log_Probability"]) # out = [Measurement(o[2], o[:2]) for o in out] return out, None
[docs]def extended_regionprops(label_image, intensity_image=None, cache=True): """Measure properties of labeled image regions. Parameters ---------- label_image : (N, M) ndarray Labeled input image. Labels with value 0 are ignored. intensity_image : (N, M) ndarray, optional Intensity (i.e., input) image with same size as labeled image. Default is None. cache : bool, optional Determine whether to cache calculated properties. The computation is much faster for cached properties, whereas the memory consumption increases. Returns ------- properties : list of RegionProperties Each item describes one labeled region, and can be accessed using the attributes listed below. Notes ----- The following properties can be accessed as attributes or keys: **area** : int Number of pixels of region. **bbox** : tuple Bounding box ``(min_row, min_col, max_row, max_col)``. Pixels belonging to the bounding box are in the half-open interval ``[min_row; max_row)`` and ``[min_col; max_col)``. **bbox_area** : int Number of pixels of bounding box. **centroid** : array Centroid coordinate tuple ``(row, col)``. **convex_area** : int Number of pixels of convex hull image. **convex_image** : (H, J) ndarray Binary convex hull image which has the same size as bounding box. **coords** : (N, 2) ndarray Coordinate list ``(row, col)`` of the region. **eccentricity** : float Eccentricity of the ellipse that has the same second-moments as the region. The eccentricity is the ratio of the focal distance (distance between focal points) over the major axis length. The value is in the interval [0, 1). When it is 0, the ellipse becomes a circle. **equivalent_diameter** : float The diameter of a circle with the same area as the region. **euler_number** : int Euler characteristic of region. Computed as number of objects (= 1) subtracted by number of holes (8-connectivity). **extent** : float Ratio of pixels in the region to pixels in the total bounding box. Computed as ``area / (rows * cols)`` **filled_area** : int Number of pixels of filled region. **filled_image** : (H, J) ndarray Binary region image with filled holes which has the same size as bounding box. **image** : (H, J) ndarray Sliced binary region image which has the same size as bounding box. **inertia_tensor** : (2, 2) ndarray Inertia tensor of the region for the rotation around its mass. **inertia_tensor_eigvals** : tuple The two eigen values of the inertia tensor in decreasing order. **intensity_image** : ndarray Image inside region bounding box. **label** : int The label in the labeled input image. **local_centroid** : array Centroid coordinate tuple ``(row, col)``, relative to region bounding box. **major_axis_length** : float The length of the major axis of the ellipse that has the same normalized second central moments as the region. **max_intensity** : float Value with the greatest intensity in the region. **mean_intensity** : float Value with the mean intensity in the region. **min_intensity** : float Value with the least intensity in the region. **minor_axis_length** : float The length of the minor axis of the ellipse that has the same normalized second central moments as the region. **moments** : (3, 3) ndarray Spatial moments up to 3rd order:: m_ji = sum{ array(x, y) * x^j * y^i } where the sum is over the `x`, `y` coordinates of the region. **moments_central** : (3, 3) ndarray Central moments (translation invariant) up to 3rd order:: mu_ji = sum{ array(x, y) * (x - x_c)^j * (y - y_c)^i } where the sum is over the `x`, `y` coordinates of the region, and `x_c` and `y_c` are the coordinates of the region's centroid. **moments_hu** : tuple Hu moments (translation, scale and rotation invariant). **moments_normalized** : (3, 3) ndarray Normalized moments (translation and scale invariant) up to 3rd order:: nu_ji = mu_ji / m_00^[(i+j)/2 + 1] where `m_00` is the zeroth spatial moment. **orientation** : float Angle between the X-axis and the major axis of the ellipse that has the same second-moments as the region. Ranging from `-pi/2` to `pi/2` in counter-clockwise direction. **perimeter** : float Perimeter of object which approximates the contour as a line through the centers of border pixels using a 4-connectivity. **solidity** : float Ratio of pixels in the region to pixels of the convex hull image. **weighted_centroid** : array Centroid coordinate tuple ``(row, col)`` weighted with intensity image. **weighted_local_centroid** : array Centroid coordinate tuple ``(row, col)``, relative to region bounding box, weighted with intensity image. **weighted_moments** : (3, 3) ndarray Spatial moments of intensity image up to 3rd order:: wm_ji = sum{ array(x, y) * x^j * y^i } where the sum is over the `x`, `y` coordinates of the region. **weighted_moments_central** : (3, 3) ndarray Central moments (translation invariant) of intensity image up to 3rd order:: wmu_ji = sum{ array(x, y) * (x - x_c)^j * (y - y_c)^i } where the sum is over the `x`, `y` coordinates of the region, and `x_c` and `y_c` are the coordinates of the region's weighted centroid. **weighted_moments_hu** : tuple Hu moments (translation, scale and rotation invariant) of intensity image. **weighted_moments_normalized** : (3, 3) ndarray Normalized moments (translation and scale invariant) of intensity image up to 3rd order:: wnu_ji = wmu_ji / wm_00^[(i+j)/2 + 1] where ``wm_00`` is the zeroth spatial moment (intensity-weighted area). Each region also supports iteration, so that you can do:: for prop in region: print(prop, region[prop]) """ label_image = np.squeeze(label_image) if label_image.ndim not in (2, 3): raise TypeError('Only 2-D and 3-D images supported.') if not np.issubdtype(label_image.dtype, np.integer): raise TypeError('Label image must be of integral type.') regions = [] objects = ndi.find_objects(label_image) for i, sl in enumerate(objects): if sl is None: continue label = i + 1 props = ExtendedRegionProps(sl, label, label_image, intensity_image, cache) regions.append(props) return regions
import skimage.measure._regionprops as REGIONPROPS from functools import wraps def _cached(f): @wraps(f) def wrapper(obj): cache = obj._cache prop = f.__name__ if not ((prop in cache) and obj._cache_active): cache[prop] = f(obj) return cache[prop] return wrapper class ExtendedRegionProps(REGIONPROPS._RegionProperties): def __init__(self,*args, **kwargs): if "coordinates" not in kwargs: kwargs.update({"coordinates": None}) super(ExtendedRegionProps, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # @_cached def _surrounding_image(self): slicex, slicey = self._slice int_im = np.copy(self._intensity_image[slicex.start-2:slicex.stop+2, slicey.start-2:slicey.stop+2]) if int_im.shape[0] != slicex.stop - slicex.start+4 or \ int_im.shape[1] != slicey.stop -slicey.start +4 : int_im = np.copy(self._intensity_image[self._slice]) image = self.image else: image = np.zeros_like(int_im, dtype=bool) image[2:-2,2:-2] = self.image int_im[~image] = 0 return int_im # @_cached def _inside_image(self): slicex, slicey = self._slice int_im = np.copy(self._intensity_image[slicex.start-2:slicex.stop+2, slicey.start-2:slicey.stop+2]) if int_im.shape[0] != slicex.stop - slicex.start+4 or \ int_im.shape[1] != slicey.stop -slicey.start +4 : int_im = np.copy(self._intensity_image[self._slice]) image = self.image else: image = np.zeros_like(int_im, dtype=bool) image[2:-2,2:-2] = self.image int_im[image] = 0 return int_im def _full_image(self): return np.copy(self._intensity_image[self._slice]) def _oversize_image(self, o): o=int(o) if o<1: return np.copy(self._intensity_image[self._slice]) slicex, slicey = self._slice int_im = np.copy(self._intensity_image[slicex.start-o:slicex.stop+o, slicey.start-o:slicey.stop+o]) if int_im.shape[0] != slicex.stop - slicex.start+2*o or \ int_im.shape[1] != slicey.stop -slicey.start + 2*o : return self._oversize_image(o-1) else: return int_im def _oversize_label(self, o): o=int(o) if o<1: return np.copy(self._label_image[self._slice]) slicex, slicey = self._slice int_im = np.copy(self._label_image[slicex.start-o:slicex.stop+o, slicey.start-o:slicey.stop+o]) if int_im.shape[0] != slicex.stop - slicex.start+2*o or \ int_im.shape[1] != slicey.stop -slicey.start + 2*o : return self._oversize_image(o-1) else: return int_im def sur_std(self): return np.std(self._surrounding_image()) def sur_mu(self): return np.mean(self._surrounding_image()) def in_max(self): return np.nanmax(self._inside_image()) def in_min(self): return np.nanmin(self._inside_image()) def sur_max(self): return np.nanmax(self._surrounding_image()) def sur_min(self): return np.nanmin(self._surrounding_image()) def in_std(self): return np.std(self._inside_image()) def in_mu(self): return np.mean(self._inside_image()) def in_out_contrast(self): i_m = self.InsideMean o_m = self.SurroundingMean return np.abs(i_m-o_m).astype(float)/(o_m+i_m) def in_out_contrast2(self): int_im = self._oversize_image(1) i_max = np.amax(int_im).astype(float) i_min = np.amin(int_im).astype(float) return (i_max-i_min)/(i_max+i_min) def in_out_contrast3(self): ov_int_im = self._oversize_image(2).astype(float) ov_lab_im = self._oversize_label(2).astype(bool) mu = np.mean(ov_int_im[~ov_lab_im]) sd = np.std(ov_int_im[~ov_lab_im]) return np.mean((np.abs(ov_int_im-mu)/sd)[ov_lab_im]) def __getattribute__(self, item): try: return super(ExtendedRegionProps, self).__getattribute__(item) except AttributeError: return self.__getattr__(item) def __getattr__(self, item): if item == "InOutContrast": return self.in_out_contrast() elif item == "InOutContrast2": return self.in_out_contrast2() elif item == "InOutContrast3": return self.in_out_contrast3() elif item == "SurroundingStd": return self.sur_std() elif item == "SurroundingMean": return self.sur_mu() elif item == "InsideStd": return self.in_std() elif item == "InsideMean": return self.in_mu() elif item == "SurroundingMin": return self.sur_min() elif item == "SurroundingMax": return self.sur_max() elif item == "InsideMin": return self.in_min() elif item == "InsideMax": return self.in_max() else: raise AttributeError("'ExtendedRegionProps' object has no attribute '%s'"%item) class RegionFilter(object): def __init__(self, prop, value, var=None, lower_limit=None, upper_limit=None, dist=None): super(RegionFilter, self).__init__() self.prop = str(prop) self.val_parameter = None self.var_parameter = None self.value = np.asarray(value, dtype=float) if self.value.ndim == 1: self.dim = self.value.shape[0] elif self.value.ndim == 0: self.dim = 1 else: raise ValueError("Maximal Values of Vektor Shape allowed!") if var is not None: var = np.asarray(var, dtype=float) if len(var.shape) == 2: assert var.shape[0]==self.dim and var.shape[1]==self.dim self.var = var elif len(var.shape)==1: assert len(var) == self.dim self.var = np.diag(var) elif var.shape == (): self.var = np.diag(np.ones(self.dim))*var else: raise ValueError("False shape for variance parameter!") else: self.var = np.diag(np.ones(self.dim)) if lower_limit is None: self.lower_limit = np.ones(self.dim)*-np.inf elif len(np.asarray(lower_limit).shape) == 1: self.lower_limit = np.asarray(lower_limit, dtype=float) elif np.asarray(lower_limit).shape == (): self.lower_limit = np.ones(self.dim)*lower_limit else: raise ValueError("False shape for lower limit parameter!") if upper_limit is None: self.upper_limit = np.ones(self.dim)*np.inf elif len(np.asarray(upper_limit).shape) == 1: self.upper_limit = np.asarray(upper_limit, dtype=float) elif np.asarray(upper_limit).shape == (): self.upper_limit = np.ones(self.dim)*upper_limit else: raise ValueError("False shape for upper limit parameter!") self._in_var = np.linalg.inv(self.var) self._N = (np.linalg.det(self.var)*(2*np.pi)**self.dim)**-0.5 self._logN = np.log(self._N) self.set_dist() self.val_parameter = Parameter(self.prop, value, min=self.lower_limit, max=self.upper_limit, value_type=float) self.var_parameter = Parameter(self.prop+"_variance", self.var, min=0, value_type=float) def filter(self, regions): return [self.logprob(region.__getattribute__(self.prop)) for region in regions] def logprob(self, test_value): # self.set_dist() if np.all(self.lower_limit < test_value) and np.all(test_value < self.upper_limit): return self._logN * - self.value), self._in_var), (test_value - self.value)) # return float(self.dist.logpdf(test_value-self.value)) else: return -np.inf def set_dist(self): if self.dim == 1: self.dist = stats.norm(loc=np.zeros_like(self.value), scale=np.sqrt(self.var)) else: self.dist = stats.multivariate_normal(mean=np.zeros_like(self.value), cov = self.var) @classmethod def from_dict(cls, dictionary): prop = dictionary.get("prop") value = dictionary.get("value") var = dictionary.get("var", None) lower_limit = dictionary.get("lower_limit", None) upper_limit = dictionary.get("upper_limit", None) dist = dictionary.get("dist", None) return cls(prop, value, var=var, lower_limit=lower_limit, upper_limit=upper_limit, dist=dist) def __getattribute__(self, item): if item == "value": if self.val_parameter is None: return super(RegionFilter, self).__getattribute__(item) else: return self.val_parameter.value elif item == "var": if self.var_parameter is None: return super(RegionFilter, self).__getattribute__(item) else: return self.var_parameter.value else: return super(RegionFilter, self).__getattribute__(item)
[docs]class RegionPropDetector(Detector): def __init__(self, RegionFilters): super(RegionPropDetector, self).__init__() self.Filters = [] param_list = [] for filter in RegionFilters: if type(filter)==RegionFilter: self.Filters.append(filter) elif type(filter)==dict: self.Filters.append(RegionFilter.from_dict(filter)) else: raise ValueError("Filter must be of type RegionFilter or dictionary, not %s"%type(filter)) param_list.append(filter.val_parameter) param_list.append(filter.var_parameter) self.ParameterList = ParameterList(*param_list) @detection_parameters(image=dict(frame=0, mask=False), mask=dict(frame=0, mask=True)) def detect(self, image, mask): intensity_image = rgb2gray(image) regions = extended_regionprops(skimage.measure.label(mask), intensity_image=intensity_image) filter_dict = dict([[filter.prop, filter] for filter in self.Filters]) cols = ["PositionX", "PositionY", "Log_Probability"] cols.extend(sorted(filter_dict.keys())) out = [] for region in regions: o = [] o.extend(region.centroid) prob = 0. o.append(float(prob)) for key in cols[3:]: filter = filter_dict[key] # cols.update(filter.prop) # if np.isneginf(o[cols.index("Log_Probability")]): # break o[cols.index("Log_Probability")] += filter.filter([region])[0] o.append(region.__getattribute__(filter.prop)) out.append(o) out = pandas.DataFrame(out, columns=cols) # out = Measurement(o[cols.index("Log_Probability")], # [o[cols.index("PositionX")], o[cols.index("PositionY")]], # data=dict([[k, out[k]] for k in filter_dict.keys()])) return out, None
[docs]class AreaDetector(Detector): """ Detector classifying objects by area and number to be used with pengu-track modules. """ def __init__(self, object_area=1, object_number=1, threshold=None, lower_limit=None, upper_limit=None): """ Detector classifying objects by number and size, taking area-separation into account. Parameters ---------- object_size: non-zero int Smallest diameter of an object to be detected. object_number: non-zero int If threshold in None, this number specifies the number of objects to track in the first picture and sets the threshold accordingly. threshold: float, optional Threshold for binning the image. """ super(AreaDetector, self).__init__() self.start_ObjectArea = int(object_area) self.sample_size = 1 self.ObjectArea = int(object_area) self.ObjectNumber = object_number if lower_limit: self.LowerLimit = int(lower_limit) else: self.LowerLimit = 0.4*self.ObjectArea if upper_limit: self.UpperLimit = int(upper_limit) else: self.UpperLimit = 1.6*self.ObjectArea self.Threshold = threshold self.Areas = [] self.Sigma = None self.ParameterList = ParameterList(Parameter("ObjectArea", object_area, min=0., value_type=float), Parameter("ObjectNumber", object_number, min=0, value_type=int), Parameter("Sigma", self.Sigma, min=0, value_type=float), Parameter("Threshold", self.Threshold, value_type=float), Parameter("LowerLimit", self.LowerLimit, value_type=float), Parameter("UpperLimit", self.UpperLimit, value_type=float) )
[docs] @detection_parameters(image=dict(frame=0, mask=False)) def detect(self, image): """ Detection function. Parts the image into blob-regions with size according to their area. Returns information about the regions. Parameters ---------- image: array_like Image will be converted to uint8 Greyscale and then binnearized. return_regions: bool, optional If True, function will return skimage.measure.regionprops object, else a list of the blob centroids and areas. Returns ------- regions: array_like List of information about each blob of adequate size. """ while len(image.shape) > 2: image = np.linalg.norm(image, axis=-1) image = np.asarray(image, dtype=bool) labeled = skimage.measure.label(image, connectivity=2) if len(self.Areas)<1e5 or self.Sigma is None: self.sample_size +=1 self.Areas.extend([prop.area for prop in skimage.measure.regionprops(labeled)]) else: new_areas = [prop.area for prop in skimage.measure.regionprops(labeled)] self.Areas = self.Areas[len(new_areas):] self.Areas.extend(new_areas) if True and len(self.Areas) > 0: self.ObjectArea = self.start_ObjectArea from scipy.optimize import curve_fit hist, bins = np.histogram(self.Areas, bins=max(self.Areas) - min(self.Areas)) def gauss(x, sigma, mu): return self.sample_size*0.15*self.ObjectNumber / (2 * np.pi * sigma ** 2) ** 0.5 * np.exp(-(x - mu) ** 2 / (2 * sigma ** 2)) def curve(x, sigma, mu): return gauss(x, sigma, mu) + hist[0] * x ** -2.2 params, cov = curve_fit(curve, bins[1:], hist, (self.ObjectArea/6., self.ObjectArea), bounds=([1,0.5*self.ObjectArea], [self.ObjectArea, 2*self.ObjectArea])) self.Sigma, self.ObjectArea = params print("FOUND SIGMA OF %s"%self.Sigma) regions_list = [prop for prop in skimage.measure.regionprops(labeled) if prop.area > self.LowerLimit] if len(regions_list) <= 0: return np.asarray([]) print("Object Area at ",self.ObjectArea, "pm", self.Sigma) out = [] regions = {} [regions.update({prop.label: prop}) for prop in regions_list if prop.area > self.LowerLimit] N_max = np.floor(self.ObjectArea/self.Sigma) for prop in regions.values(): n = np.ceil(prop.area/self.ObjectArea) if self.LowerLimit < prop.area < self.UpperLimit: out.extend(self.measure(prop, 1)) elif n < N_max: pass return pandas.DataFrame(out, columns=["PositionX", "PositionY", "Log_Probability"])
# return [Measurement(o[3], o[:3]) for o in out] def measure(self, prop, n): out = [] if n == 1: sigma = self.Sigma mu = self.ObjectArea prob = np.log(self.ObjectNumber / (2 * np.pi * sigma ** 2) ** 0.5) - 0.5 * (( prop.area - mu) / sigma) ** 2 o = [] o.extend(prop.centroid) o.append(prob) out.append(o) elif n > 1: if min(prop.image.shape) < 2: bb = np.asarray(prop.bbox) sigma = 2 * self.Sigma mu = 2 * self.ObjectArea prob = np.log(self.ObjectNumber / (2 * np.pi * sigma ** 2) ** 0.5) - 0.5 * (( prop.area - mu) / sigma) ** 2 for i in range(n+1): o = [] o.extend(bb[:2]+i/float(n+1)*(bb[2:]-bb[:2])) o.append(prob) out.append(o) else: distance = ndi.distance_transform_edt(prop.image) local_maxi = peak_local_max(distance, indices=False, labels=prop.image, num_peaks=n) markers = ndi.label(local_maxi)[0] labels = watershed(-distance, markers, mask=prop.image) new_reg = skimage.measure.regionprops(labels) new_reg = [new for new in new_reg if new.label <= n] sigma = 2 * self.Sigma mu = 2 * self.ObjectArea prob = np.log(self.ObjectNumber / (2 * np.pi * sigma ** 2) ** 0.5) - 0.5 * (( prop.area - mu) / sigma) ** 2 for new in new_reg: o = [] o.extend(np.asarray(prop.bbox)[:2] + new.centroid) o.append(prob) out.append(o) return out
[docs]class AreaBlobDetector(Detector): """ Detector classifying objects by area and number to be used with pengu-track modules. """ def __init__(self, object_size=1, object_number=1, threshold=None): """ Detector classifying objects by number and size, taking area-separation into account. Parameters ---------- object_size: non-zero int Smallest diameter of an object to be detected. object_number: non-zero int If threshold in None, this number specifies the number of objects to track in the first picture and sets the threshold accordingly. threshold: float, optional Threshold for binning the image. """ super(AreaBlobDetector, self).__init__() self.ObjectSize = int(object_size) self.ObjectNumber = int(object_number) self.Threshold = threshold self.ParameterList = ParameterList(Parameter("ObjectSize", object_size, min=0., value_type=int), Parameter("ObjectNumber", object_number, min=0, value_type=int), Parameter("Threshold", self.Threshold, value_type=float) )
[docs] @detection_parameters(image=dict(frame=0, mask=False)) def detect(self, image, return_regions=False): """ Detection function. Parts the image into blob-regions with size according to their area. Returns information about the regions. Parameters ---------- image: array_like Image will be converted to uint8 Greyscale and then binnearized. return_regions: bool, optional If True, function will return skimage.measure.regionprops object, else a list of the blob centroids and areas. Returns ------- regions: array_like List of information about each blob of adequate size. """ while len(image.shape) > 2: image = np.linalg.norm(image, axis=-1) image = np.asarray(image, dtype=bool) regions = skimage.measure.regionprops(skimage.measure.label(image)) if len(regions) <= 0: return np.asarray([]) areas = np.asarray([props.area for props in regions]) if self.Threshold is None: testareas = np.asarray(areas) filtered_max = areas.max() filtered_min = areas.min() n = int(float(filtered_max)/filtered_min)+1 for i in range(n): threshold = filtered_min + (filtered_max - filtered_min) * (1-i/(n-1.)) if (testareas[testareas > threshold]).shape[0] >= self.ObjectNumber: self.Threshold = threshold print("Set Blob-Threshold to %s and %s" % (np.pi*(self.ObjectSize/2.)**2, threshold)) break else: self.Threshold = filtered_max print("Set Blob-Threshold to %s and %s" % (np.pi*(self.ObjectSize/2.)**2, self.Threshold)) mask = (areas >= self.Threshold) out = [] for i, a in enumerate(areas): if mask[i]: for j in range(int(a//(areas[mask].mean()))+1): # out.append(regions[i].centroid) o = [] o.extend(regions[i].centroid) o.append(1) out.append(o) return pandas.DataFrame(out, columns=["PositionX", "PositionY", "Log_Probability"]), None
# return [Measurement(o[3], o[:3]) for o in out], None
[docs]class WatershedDetector(Detector): """ Detector classifying objects by area and number. It uses watershed algorithms to depart bigger areas. To be used with pengu-track modules. """ def __init__(self, object_size=1, object_number=1, threshold=None): """ Detector classifying objects by number and size, taking area-separation into account. Parameters ---------- object_size: non-zero int Smallest diameter of an object to be detected. object_number: non-zero int If threshold in None, this number specifies the number of objects to track in the first picture and sets the threshold accordingly. threshold: float, optional Threshold for binning the image. """ super(WatershedDetector, self).__init__() self.ObjectSize = int(object_size) self.ObjectNumber = int(object_number) self.Threshold = threshold self.ParameterList = ParameterList(Parameter("ObjectSize", object_size, min=0., value_type=int), Parameter("ObjectNumber", object_number, min=0, value_type=int), Parameter("Threshold", self.Threshold, value_type=float) )
[docs] @detection_parameters(image=dict(frame=0, mask=False)) def detect(self, image, return_regions=False): """ Detection function. Parts the image into blob-regions with size according to their area. Then departs bigger areas into smaller ones with watershed method. Returns information about the regions. Parameters ---------- image: array_like Image will be converted to uint8 Greyscale and then binnearized. return_regions: bool, optional If True, function will return skimage.measure.regionprops object, else a list of the blob centroids and areas. Returns ---------- list List of information about each blob of adequate size. """ while len(image.shape) > 2: image = np.linalg.norm(image, axis=-1) image = np.asarray(image, dtype=bool) markers = ndi.label(peak_local_max(skimage.filters.laplace(skimage.filters.gaussian(image.astype(np.uint8), self.ObjectSize)), min_distance=self.ObjectSize, labels=image, indices=False))[0] labels = watershed(-image, markers, mask=image) regions = skimage.measure.regionprops(labels) if return_regions: return regions elif len(regions) > 0: return pandas.DataFrame([[1., props.centroid[0], props.centroid[1]] for props in regions], columns=["Log_Probability", "PositionX", "PositionY"]), None # return [Measurement(1., props.centroid) for props in regions], None else: return [], None
def enhance_contrast(image): # kontrastspreizung: Helligkeitsunterschiede werden ausgeglichen und Bild mit maximalen Kontrast dargestellt image = image / np.percentile(image, 99.9) image = image - np.percentile(image, 0.1) image[image < 0] = 0 # alle Pixel mit Wert <0 werden auf 0 gesetzt image[image > 1] = 1 return image
[docs]class TinaCellDetector(Detector): def __init__(self, disk_size=0, minimal_area=57, maximal_area=350, threshold=0.2): super(TinaCellDetector, self).__init__() self.DiskSize = disk_size self.MinimalArea = minimal_area self.MaximalArea = maximal_area self.Threshold = threshold self.ParameterList = ParameterList(Parameter("DiskSize", disk_size, min=0, max=20, value_type=int), Parameter("MinimalArea", minimal_area, min=0, max =100, value_type=int), Parameter("MaximalArea", maximal_area, min=0, max=1000, value_type=int), Parameter("Threshold", threshold, min=0., max=1., value_type=float) )
[docs] @detection_parameters(minProj=dict(frame=0, mask=False, layer="MinProj"), minIndices=dict(frame=0, mask=False, layer="MinIndices"), maxProj=dict(frame=0, mask=False, layer="MaxProj"), maxIndices=dict(frame=0, mask=False, layer="MaxIndices")) def detect(self, minProj, minIndices, maxProj, maxIndices): """ :param minProj: :param minIndices: :param maxProj: :param maxIndices: :return: """ print(minProj.sum(), minIndices.sum(), maxProj.sum(), maxIndices.sum()) minind_contrast = enhance_contrast(minIndices) maxproj_contrast = enhance_contrast(maxProj) minproj_contrast = enhance_contrast(minProj) minproj_ben = minproj_contrast - np.min(minproj_contrast) minproj_ben = minproj_ben / np.max(minproj_ben) maxproj_ben = maxproj_contrast - np.min(maxproj_contrast) maxproj_ben = maxproj_ben / np.max(maxproj_ben) import scipy from skimage import filters maxproj_gausfilt = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(maxproj_ben, 2) thres_max = self.Threshold # threshold_otsu(maxproj_ben) #minproj_gausfilt = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(minproj_ben, 0.2) #thres_min = threshold_otsu(minproj_ben) mask = (maxproj_gausfilt > thres_max) #mask = (maxproj_gausfilt>thres_max)*(minproj_gausfilt>thres_min) struct1 = skimage.morphology.disk(self.DiskSize) mask_erosion = skimage.morphology.binary_erosion(mask).astype(mask.dtype) # rauschbedingte Pixel werden geloescht mask_dilation = skimage.morphology.binary_dilation(mask_erosion).astype(mask_erosion.dtype) mask_dilation2 = skimage.morphology.binary_dilation(mask_dilation,struct1).astype(mask_dilation.dtype) # mask_erosion = skimage.morphology.binary_erosion(mask_dilation2).astype(mask_dilation2.dtype) # rauschbedingte Pixel werden geloescht mask_ind = mask_dilation2*maxIndices labels, n = label(mask_ind) #labels, n = label(mask_dilation2) regions = regionprops(labels) posx = np.asarray([e.centroid[0] for e in regions]) posy = np.asarray([e.centroid[1] for e in regions]) # threshold depending on cellsize area = np.asarray([e.area for e in regions]) area_thres_min = self.MinimalArea area_thres_max = self.MaximalArea cells = [r for r in regions if (r.area <= area_thres_max) and (r.area >= area_thres_min)] cellx = np.asarray([e.centroid[0] for e in cells]) celly = np.asarray([e.centroid[1] for e in cells]) cell_program = np.vstack((cellx, celly)) cell_program = cell_program.transpose() posarea = ['%d' %e.area for e in regions] labelposforz = [cells[e].label for e in range(len(cells))] zmaxind = np.asarray([np.nanmean(maxIndices[labels==labelposforz[e]]) for e in range(len(labelposforz))]) zminind = np.asarray([np.nanmean(minIndices[labels==labelposforz[e]]) for e in range(len(labelposforz))]) meanind = (zmaxind+zminind)/2 zpos = [] for e in meanind: (values, counts) = np.unique(e, return_counts=True) #to get most frequent number (=zpos) in meanind ind = np.argmax(counts) z = values[ind] z = np.round(z) zpos.append(z) Positions3D = np.c_[cellx,celly,zpos] Positions3D = pandas.DataFrame(Positions3D, columns=["PositionY", "PositionX", "PositionZ"]) # return posx,posy, cell_program, Positions3D, cellx, celly, mask_dilation2,posarea return Positions3D, mask_dilation2
[docs]class Segmentation(object): """ This Class describes the abstract function of a image-segmentation-algorithm in the pengu-track package. It is only meant for subclassing. """ def __init__(self): super(Segmentation, self).__init__() def detect(self, image, *args, **kwargs): out = self.segmentate(image, *args, **kwargs) self.update(out, image, *args, **kwargs) return out def update(self, mask, image, *args, **kwargs): pass def segmentate(self, image, *args, **kwargs): pass
[docs]class ThresholdSegmentation(Segmentation): def __init__(self, treshold, reskale=True): super(ThresholdSegmentation, self).__init__() self.width = None self.height = None self.SegMap = None self.Treshold = float(treshold) self.Skale = None self.reskale = reskale def segmentate(self, image, *args, **kwargs): data = np.asarray(image, ndmin=2) print(data.shape) if self.width is None or self.height is None: self.width, self.height = data.shape[:2] if self.reskale: if len(data.shape)==3: # this_skale = np.mean((np.sum(data.astype(np.uint32)**2, axis=-1)**0.5)) this_skale = np.mean(rgb2gray(data)) elif len(data.shape)==2: this_skale = np.mean(data) else: this_skale = 1. if this_skale == 0: this_skale = self.Skale if self.Skale is None: self.Skale = this_skale dt = data.dtype data = (data.astype(float)*(self.Skale/this_skale)).astype(dt) if self.SegMap is None: self.SegMap = np.ones((self.width, self.height), dtype=bool) if len(data.shape) == 3: self.SegMap = (rgb2gray(data)>self.Treshold).astype(bool) # self.SegMap = (np.sum(data**2, axis=-1)**0.5/data.shape[-1]**0.5 > self.Treshold).astype(bool) elif len(data.shape) == 2: print(np.amin(data), np.amax(data)) self.SegMap = (data > self.Treshold).astype(bool) else: raise ValueError('False format of data.') return self.SegMap def update(self, mask, image, *args, **kwargs): pass
[docs]class VarianceSegmentation(Segmentation): def __init__(self, treshold, r): super(VarianceSegmentation, self).__init__() self.width = None self.height = None self.SegMap = None self.Treshold = int(treshold) self.Skale = None self.Radius = int(r) self.selem = skimage.morphology.disk(self.Radius) def segmentate(self, image, *args, **kwargs): data = np.asarray(image, ndmin=2) if self.width is None or self.height is None: self.width, self.height = data.shape[:2] this_skale = np.mean((np.sum(data.astype(np.uint32)**2, axis=-1)**0.5)) if this_skale == 0: this_skale = self.Skale if self.Skale is None: self.Skale = this_skale data = (data.astype(float)*(self.Skale/this_skale)).astype(np.int32) if self.SegMap is None: self.SegMap = np.ones((self.width, self.height), dtype=bool) if len(data.shape) == 3: self.SegMap = (self.local_std(data) < self.Treshold).astype(bool) elif len(data.shape) == 2: std = self.local_std(data) self.SegMap = (self.local_std(data) < self.Treshold).astype(bool) else: raise ValueError('False format of data.') return self.SegMap def update(self, mask, image, *args, **kwargs): pass def local_std(self, img): shifts = [[1, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 1], [0, -1], [1, 1], [-1, 1], [1, -1], [-1, -1]] stack = [img] for s in shifts: stack.append(shift(img, s, order=0, mode='reflect')) stack = np.asarray(stack) return np.std(stack, axis=0)
[docs]class MoGSegmentation(Segmentation): """ Segmentation method assuming that pixel states depend on various gaussian distributions. """ def __init__(self, n=10, init_image=None): """ Segmentation method assuming that pixel states depend on k gaussian distributions. Parameters ---------- n: int Number of gaussians for each pixel. init_image: array_like, optional Image for initialisation of background. """ super(MoGSegmentation, self).__init__() # self.K = k self.N = n self.width = None self.height = None self.Skale = None self.Mu = None self.Var = None self.dists = None if init_image is not None: data = np.asarray(init_image, ndmin=2) selem = np.ones((3, 3)) if len(data.shape) == 3: data_mean = np.asarray([filters.rank.mean(color_channel, selem) for color_channel in data.T]).T data_std = np.asarray([filters.rank.mean(color_channel**2, selem) for color_channel in data.T]).T - data_mean**2 self.Mu = np.tile(data_mean, self.N).reshape(data.shape+(self.N,)).transpose((3, 0, 1, 2)) self.Var = np.tile(data_std, self.N).reshape(data.shape+(self.N,)).transpose((3, 0, 1, 2)) elif len(data.shape) == 2: data_mean = filters.rank.mean(data, selem) data_std = filters.rank.mean(data**2, selem) - data_mean**2 self.Mu = np.tile(data_mean, (self.N, 1, 1,)) self.Var = np.tile(data_std, (self.N, 1, 1,)) else: raise ValueError('False format of data.') self.Skale = np.mean(np.linalg.norm(self.Mu, axis=-1).astype(float)) self.Mu = np.random.normal(self.Mu, np.sqrt(self.Var)+0.5)
[docs] def segmentate(self, image, *args, **kwargs): """ Segmentation function. This function binearizes the input image by assuming the pixels, which do not fit the background gaussians are foreground. Parameters ---------- image: array_like Image to be segmented. Returns ---------- SegMap: array_like, bool Segmented Image. """ super(MoGSegmentation, self).detect(image) data = np.asarray(image, ndmin=2) if self.width is None or self.height is None: self.width, self.height = data.shape[:2] this_skale = np.mean(np.linalg.norm(data, axis=-1).astype(float)) if this_skale == 0: this_skale = self.Skale if self.Skale is None: self.Skale = this_skale data = (data.astype(float)*(self.Skale/this_skale)).astype(np.int32) if self.Mu is None: selem = np.ones((3, 3)) data_mean = filters.rank.mean(data, selem) data_std = filters.rank.mean(data**2, selem) - data_mean**2 if len(data.shape) == 3: self.Mu = np.tile(data_mean, self.N).reshape(data.shape+(self.N,)).transpose((3, 0, 1, 2)) self.Var = np.tile(data_std, self.N).reshape(data.shape+(self.N,)).transpose((3, 0, 1, 2)) elif len(data.shape) == 2: self.Mu = np.tile(data_mean, (self.N, 1, 1,)) self.Var = np.tile(data_std, (self.N, 1, 1,)) else: raise ValueError('False format of data.') self.dists = np.abs(self.Mu-data)*(1/self.Var**0.5) if len(data.shape) == 3: return np.sum(np.sum(self.dists < 4, axis=0), axis=-1) > 2 elif len(data.shape) == 2: return np.sum(self.dists < 4, axis=0) > 2 else: raise ValueError('False format of data.')
def update(self, mask, image, *args, **kwargs): data = np.asarray(image, ndmin=2) if self.width is None or self.height is None: self.width, self.height = data.shape[:2] this_skale = np.mean(np.linalg.norm(data, axis=-1).astype(float)) if this_skale == 0: this_skale = self.Skale if self.Skale is None: self.Skale = this_skale data = (data.astype(float)*(self.Skale/this_skale)).astype(np.int32) dists = self.dists matchs = np.zeros_like(data, dtype=bool) matchs[np.unravel_index(np.argmin(dists, axis=0), data.shape)] = True # matchs = (dists == np.amin(dists, axis=0)) outliers = (dists == np.amin(dists, axis=0)) self.Mu[matchs] = (self.Mu[matchs] * ((self.N-1)/self.N) + data.ravel()*(1./self.N)) self.Var[matchs] = (self.Var[matchs] * ((self.N-2)/(self.N-1)) + (data.ravel()-self.Mu[matchs]))*(1./(self.N-1)) self.Mu[outliers] = np.mean(self.Mu, axis=0).ravel() self.Var[outliers] = np.mean(self.Var, axis=0).ravel()
[docs] def detect(self, image, *args, **kwargs): """ Segmentation function. This function binearizes the input image by assuming the pixels, which do not fit the background gaussians are foreground. Parameters ---------- image: array_like Image to be segmented. Returns ---------- SegMap: array_like, bool Segmented Image. """ super(MoGSegmentation, self).detect(image) data = np.asarray(image, ndmin=2) if self.width is None or self.height is None: self.width, self.height = data.shape[:2] this_skale = np.mean(np.linalg.norm(data, axis=-1).astype(float)) if this_skale == 0: this_skale = self.Skale if self.Skale is None: self.Skale = this_skale data = (data.astype(float)*(self.Skale/this_skale)).astype(np.int32) if self.Mu is None: selem = np.ones((3, 3)) data_mean = filters.rank.mean(data, selem) data_std = filters.rank.mean(data**2, selem) - data_mean**2 if len(data.shape) == 3: self.Mu = np.tile(data_mean, self.N).reshape(data.shape+(self.N,)).transpose((3, 0, 1, 2)) self.Var = np.tile(data_std, self.N).reshape(data.shape+(self.N,)).transpose((3, 0, 1, 2)) elif len(data.shape) == 2: self.Mu = np.tile(data_mean, (self.N, 1, 1,)) self.Var = np.tile(data_std, (self.N, 1, 1,)) else: raise ValueError('False format of data.') dists = np.abs(self.Mu-data)*(1/self.Var**0.5) matchs = np.zeros_like(data, dtype=bool) matchs[np.unravel_index(np.argmin(dists, axis=0), data.shape)] = True outliers = (dists == np.amin(dists, axis=0)) self.Mu[matchs] = (self.Mu[matchs] * ((self.N-1)/self.N) + data.ravel()*(1./self.N)) self.Var[matchs] = (self.Var[matchs] * ((self.N-2)/(self.N-1)) + (data.ravel()-self.Mu[matchs]))*(1./(self.N-1)) self.Mu[outliers] = np.mean(self.Mu, axis=0).ravel() self.Var[outliers] = np.mean(self.Var, axis=0).ravel() if len(data.shape) == 3: return np.sum(np.sum(dists < 4, axis=0), axis=-1) > 2 elif len(data.shape) == 2: return np.sum(dists < 4, axis=0) > 2 else: raise ValueError('False format of data.')
[docs]class MoGSegmentation2(Segmentation): """ Segmentation method comparing input images to image-background buffer. Able to learn new background information. """ def __init__(self, n=20, r=15, init_image=None): """ Segmentation method comparing input images to image-background buffer. Able to learn new background information. Parameters ---------- n: int, optional Number of buffer frames. r: int, optional Distance-Treshold in standard color-room. If a input pixel deviates more than r from a background-buffer pixel it is counted as a deviation. n_min: int, optional Number of minimum deviations to count a pixel as foreground. phi: int, optional Inverse of update rate. Every phi-est foreground pixel will be updated to the background buffer. init_image: array_like, optional Image for initialisation of background. """ super(MoGSegmentation2, self).__init__() self.N = int(n) self.R = np.uint16(r) # self.Phi = int(phi) self.Skale = None self.Mu = None self.Sig = None self.Max = None self.NN = None if init_image is not None: data = np.asarray(init_image, ndmin=2) self.__dt__ = smallest_dtype(data) print(self.__dt__) if len(data.shape) == 3: self.Mu = np.tile(data.astype(self.__dt__), self.N ).reshape(data.shape + (self.N,) ).transpose((3, 0, 1, 2)) self.Sig = np.ones_like(self.Mu, dtype=self.__dt__)*self.__dt__(self.R) self.N = np.ones_like(self.Mu, dtype=np.uint16) self.Skale = np.mean(rgb2gray(data)) elif len(data.shape) == 2: self.Mu = np.tile(data.astype(self.__dt__), (self.N, 1, 1,)) self.Sig = np.ones_like(self.Mu, dtype=self.__dt__) * self.__dt__(self.R) self.N = np.ones_like(self.Mu, dtype=np.uint16) self.Skale = np.mean(data) else: raise ValueError('False format of data.') self.Max = np.zeros_like(self.Mu, dtype=self.__dt__) # self.Max = np.tile(np.arange(N), data.shape + (1,)).T else: self.__dt__ = None self.SegMap = None self.width = None self.height = None
[docs] def detect(self, image, do_neighbours=True, *args, **kwargs): """ Segmentation function. This compares the input image to the background model and returns a segmentation map. Parameters ---------- image: array_like Input Image. do_neighbours: bool, optional If True neighbouring pixels will be updated accordingly to their foreground vicinity, else this time-intensiv calculation will not be done. Returns ---------- SegMap: array_like, bool The segmented image. """ return super(MoGSegmentation2, self).detect(image, *args, **kwargs)
def segmentate(self, image, do_neighbours=True, mask=None, *args, **kwargs): super(MoGSegmentation2, self).segmentate(image) data = np.asarray(image, ndmin=2) self.Mask = mask if self.width is None or self.height is None: self.width, self.height = data.shape[:2] if len(data.shape) == 3: this_skale = np.mean(rgb2gray(data)) elif len(data.shape) == 2: this_skale = np.mean(data) else: raise ValueError('False format of data.') if this_skale == 0: this_skale = self.Skale if self.Skale is None: self.Skale = this_skale if self.__dt__ is None: self.__dt__ = smallest_dtype(data) data = (data.astype(float) * (self.Skale / this_skale)).astype(self.__dt__) if self.Mu is None: if len(data.shape) == 3: self.Mu = np.tile(data, self.N).reshape((self.N,) + data.shape) elif len(data.shape)==2: self.Mu = np.tile(data.T, self.N).T.reshape((self.N,) + data.shape[::-1]) if self.Sig is None: self.Sig = np.ones_like(self.Mu) * self.R if self.N is None: self.N = np.ones_like(self.Mu) if self.SegMap is None: self.SegMap = np.ones((self.width, self.height), dtype=bool) if self.Max is None: self.Max = np.zeros_like(self.Mu, dtype=bool) if len(data.shape) == 3: diff = self.Mu.astype(next_dtype(-1 * data)) diff = np.abs(rgb2gray(diff - data)) self.SegMap = np.all((diff > self.Sig), axis=0) self.Max = (np.tile(np.arange(self.N), data.shape[::-1] + (1, )).T == np.argmin(np.abs(diff-self.Sig), axis=0)) elif len(data.shape) == 2: diff = np.asarray( [np.amax([sample, data], axis=0) - np.amin([sample, data], axis=0) for sample in self.Mu]) self.SegMap = np.all((diff > self.Sig), axis=0) self.Max = (np.tile(np.arange(self.N), data.shape[::-1] + (1, )).T == np.argmin(np.abs(diff-self.Sig), axis=0)) else: raise ValueError('False format of data.') self.N += self.SegMap self.N[~self.SegMap] = 1 if self.Mask is not None and np.all(self.Mask.shape == self.SegMap.shape): self.SegMap &= ~self.Mask return self.SegMap def update(self, mask, image, do_neighbours=True, *args, **kwargs): data = np.asarray(image, ndmin=2) if self.width is None or self.height is None: self.width, self.height = data.shape[:2] if len(data.shape) == 3: this_skale = np.mean(rgb2gray(data)) elif len(data.shape) == 2: this_skale = np.mean(data) else: raise ValueError('False format of data.') if this_skale == 0: this_skale = self.Skale if self.Skale is None: self.Skale = this_skale if self.__dt__ is None: self.__dt__ = smallest_dtype(data) data = (data.astype(float) * (self.Skale / this_skale)).astype(self.__dt__) for i in range(self.N): self.Mu[i][self.Max[i]] += (data[self.Max[i]]).astype(self.__dt__)/self.N[i] self.Sig[i][self.Max[i]] = (self.Sig[i][self.Max[i]]**2+(((data[self.Max[i]]).astype(self.__dt__)-self.Mu[i][self.Max[i]])**2)/(self.N[i]))**2 n = np.sum(image_mask) print("Updated %s pixels" % n)
[docs]class ViBeSegmentation(Segmentation): """ Segmentation method comparing input images to image-background buffer. Able to learn new background information. """ def __init__(self, n=20, r=15, n_min=1, phi=16, init_image=None): """ Segmentation method comparing input images to image-background buffer. Able to learn new background information. Parameters ---------- n: int, optional Number of buffer frames. r: int, optional Distance-Treshold in standard color-room. If a input pixel deviates more than r from a background-buffer pixel it is counted as a deviation. n_min: int, optional Number of minimum deviations to count a pixel as foreground. phi: int, optional Inverse of update rate. Every phi-est foreground pixel will be updated to the background buffer. init_image: array_like, optional Image for initialisation of background. """ super(ViBeSegmentation, self).__init__() self.N = int(n) self.R = np.uint16(r) self.N_min = int(n_min) self.Phi = int(phi) self.Skale = None self.Samples = None if init_image is not None: data = np.asarray(init_image, ndmin=2) self.__dt__ = smallest_dtype(data) print(self.__dt__) if len(data.shape) == 3: self.Samples = np.tile(data.astype(self.__dt__), self.N ).reshape(data.shape+(self.N,) ).transpose((3, 0, 1, 2)) self.Skale = np.mean(rgb2gray(data)) elif len(data.shape) == 2: self.Samples = np.tile(data.astype(self.__dt__), (self.N, 1, 1,)) self.Skale = np.mean(data) else: raise ValueError('False format of data.') else: self.__dt__ = None self.SegMap = None self._Neighbour_Map = {0: [-1, -1], 1: [-1, 0], 2: [-1, 1], 3: [0, -1], 4: [0, 1], 5: [1, -1], 6: [1, 0], 7: [1, 1]} self.width = None self.height = None
[docs] def detect(self, image, do_neighbours=True, *args, **kwargs): """ Segmentation function. This compares the input image to the background model and returns a segmentation map. Parameters ---------- image: array_like Input Image. do_neighbours: bool, optional If True neighbouring pixels will be updated accordingly to their foreground vicinity, else this time-intensiv calculation will not be done. Returns ---------- SegMap: array_like, bool The segmented image. """ return super(ViBeSegmentation, self).detect(image, do_neighbours=True, *args, **kwargs)
def segmentate(self, image, do_neighbours=True, mask=None, return_diff=False, *args, **kwargs): super(ViBeSegmentation, self).segmentate(image) data = np.asarray(image, ndmin=2) self.Mask = mask if self.width is None or self.height is None: self.width, self.height = data.shape[:2] if len(data.shape) == 3: this_skale = np.mean(rgb2gray(data)) elif len(data.shape) == 2: this_skale = np.mean(data) else: raise ValueError('False format of data.') if this_skale == 0: this_skale = self.Skale if self.Skale is None: self.Skale = this_skale if self.__dt__ is None: self.__dt__ = smallest_dtype(data) data = (data.astype(float)*(self.Skale/this_skale)).astype(self.__dt__) if self.Samples is None: self.Samples = np.tile(data, self.N).reshape((self.N,)+data.shape) if self.SegMap is None: self.SegMap = np.ones((self.width, self.height), dtype=bool) if len(data.shape) == 3: # self.SegMap = (np.sum((np.sum((self.Samples.astype(np.int32)-data)**2, axis=-1)**0.5/np.sqrt(data.shape[-1]) # > self.R), axis=0, dtype=np.uint8) >= self.N_min).astype(bool) diff = self.Samples.astype(next_dtype(-1*data)) diff = np.abs(rgb2gray(diff-data)) self.SegMap = (np.sum((diff > self.R).astype(np.uint8), axis=0, dtype=np.uint8) >= self.N_min).astype(bool) elif len(data.shape) == 2: diff = np.asarray([np.amax([sample, data], axis=0)-np.amin([sample,data], axis=0) for sample in self.Samples]) self.SegMap = (np.sum((diff > self.R).astype(np.uint8), axis=0, dtype=np.uint8) >= self.N_min).astype(bool) else: raise ValueError('False format of data.') if self.Mask is not None and np.all(self.Mask.shape == self.SegMap.shape): self.SegMap &= ~self.Mask if return_diff: return self.SegMap, diff return self.SegMap def update(self, mask, image, do_neighbours=True, *args, **kwargs): data = np.asarray(image, ndmin=2) if self.width is None or self.height is None: self.width, self.height = data.shape[:2] if len(data.shape) == 3: this_skale = np.mean(rgb2gray(data)) elif len(data.shape) == 2: this_skale = np.mean(data) else: raise ValueError('False format of data.') if this_skale == 0: this_skale = self.Skale if self.Skale is None: self.Skale = this_skale if self.__dt__ is None: self.__dt__ = smallest_dtype(data) data = (data.astype(float)*(self.Skale/this_skale)).astype(self.__dt__) image_mask = (np.random.rand(self.width, self.height)*self.Phi < 1) & mask sample_index = np.random.randint(0, self.N) self.Samples[sample_index][image_mask] = (data[image_mask]).astype(self.__dt__) do_neighbours = False n = np.sum(image_mask) if n > 0 and do_neighbours: x, y = np.asarray(np.meshgrid(np.arange(self.width), np.arange(self.height))).T[image_mask].T rand_x, rand_y = np.asarray(map(self._Neighbour_Map.get, np.random.randint(0, 8, size=n))).T rand_x += x rand_y += y notdoubled = ~(np.asarray([x_ in rand_x[:i] for i, x_ in enumerate(rand_x)]) & np.asarray([y_ in rand_y[:i] for i, y_ in enumerate(rand_y)])) notborder = np.asarray(((0 <= rand_y) & (rand_y < self.height)) & ((0 <= rand_x) & (rand_x < self.width))) mask = notborder & notdoubled x = x[mask] y = y[mask] rand_x = rand_x[mask] rand_y = rand_y[mask] neighbours = np.zeros_like(image_mask, dtype=bool) neighbours[rand_x, rand_y] = True mask1 = np.zeros_like(image_mask, dtype=bool) mask1[x, y] = True try: self.Samples[sample_index][neighbours] = (data[mask1]).astype(np.uint8) except ValueError: print(np.sum(neighbours), np.sum(image_mask), x.shape, y.shape) raise print("Updated %s pixels" % n)
[docs]class MeanViBeSegmentation(Segmentation): def __init__(self, sensitivity=1, n=20, m=1, init_image=None, *args, **kwargs): super(MeanViBeSegmentation, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.sensitivity = float(sensitivity) self.N = int(n) self.M = int(m) self.Samples = None self.Mu = None self.Sig = None self.SegMap = None self._counter = 0 self.__dt__ = float if init_image is not None: data = np.asarray(init_image, ndmin=2) # self.__dt__ = smallest_dtype(data) # print(self.__dt__) if len(data.shape) == 3: self.Samples = np.tile(data.astype(self.__dt__), self.N)\ .reshape(data.shape+(self.N,)).transpose((3, 0, 1, 2)) elif len(data.shape) == 2: self.Samples = np.tile(data.astype(self.__dt__), (self.N, 1, 1,)) else: raise ValueError('False format of data.') # else: # self.__dt__ = None def segmentate(self, image, *args, **kwargs): data = np.asarray(image, ndmin=2) if self.Samples is None: self.Samples = np.tile(data, self.N).reshape((self.N,)+data.shape) # mu = np.mean(self.Samples.astype(next_dtype(-1*data))[::self.M], axis=0) # sig = np.std(self.Samples.astype(next_dtype(-1*data))[::self.M], axis=0) if self.Mu is None: self.Mu = np.mean(self.Samples[::self.M], axis=0) if self.Sig is None: self.Sig = np.std(self.Samples[::self.M], axis=0) mu = self.Mu sig = self.Sig if len(data.shape) == 3: data = rgb2gray(data) self.SegMap = np.abs(mu-data)>sig*self.sensitivity elif len(data.shape) == 2: self.SegMap = np.abs(mu-data)>sig*self.sensitivity else: raise ValueError('False format of data.') return self.SegMap def update(self, mask, image, *args, **kwargs): data = np.asarray(image, ndmin=2, dtype=self.__dt__) # self.Samples[:-1] = self.Samples[1:] x_0 = data x_N = self.Samples[self._counter] if self.Mu is None: self.Mu = np.mean(self.Samples[::self.M], axis=0) mu_1 = ((self.N*self.Mu) - x_N)/(self.N-1) self.Mu = (((self.N - 1) * mu_1 + x_0)/self.N) if self.Sig is None: self.Sig = np.std(self.Samples[::self.M], axis=0) sig_1 = np.sqrt(((self.N*self.Sig**2)-(x_N-mu_1)*(x_N-self.Mu))/(self.N-1)) self.Sig = np.sqrt(((self.N-1)*sig_1**2 + (x_N-mu_1)*(x_N-self.Mu))/self.N) self.Samples[self._counter] = data self._counter = (self._counter+1)%self.N
[docs]class DumbViBeSegmentation(ViBeSegmentation): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(DumbViBeSegmentation, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.SampleIndex = 0 def segmentate(self, image, do_neighbours=True, mask=None, return_diff=False, *args, **kwargs): super(ViBeSegmentation, self).segmentate(image) data = np.asarray(image, ndmin=2) self.Mask = mask if self.width is None or self.height is None: self.width, self.height = data.shape[:2] if len(data.shape) == 3: this_skale = np.mean(rgb2gray(data)) elif len(data.shape) == 2: this_skale = np.mean(data) else: raise ValueError('False format of data.') if this_skale == 0: this_skale = self.Skale if self.Skale is None: self.Skale = this_skale if self.__dt__ is None: self.__dt__ = smallest_dtype(data) data = (data.astype(float)*(self.Skale/this_skale)).astype(self.__dt__) if self.Samples is None: self.Samples = np.tile(data, self.N).reshape((self.N,)+data.shape) if self.SegMap is None: self.SegMap = np.ones((self.width, self.height), dtype=bool) if len(data.shape) == 3: diff = self.Samples.astype(next_dtype(-1*data)) diff = np.abs(rgb2gray(diff-data)) self.SegMap = np.all(diff > self.R, axis=0).astype(bool) elif len(data.shape) == 2: diff = np.asarray([np.amax([sample, data],axis=0)-np.amin([sample,data], axis=0) for sample in self.Samples]) self.SegMap = np.all(diff>self.R, axis=0).astype(bool) else: raise ValueError('False format of data.') if self.Mask is not None and np.all(self.Mask.shape == self.SegMap.shape): self.SegMap &= ~self.Mask if return_diff: return self.SegMap, diff return self.SegMap def update(self, mask, image, do_neighbours=True, *args, **kwargs): data = np.asarray(image, ndmin=2) if self.width is None or self.height is None: self.width, self.height = data.shape[:2] if len(data.shape) == 3: this_skale = np.mean(rgb2gray(data)) elif len(data.shape) == 2: this_skale = np.mean(data) else: raise ValueError('False format of data.') if this_skale == 0: this_skale = self.Skale if self.Skale is None: self.Skale = this_skale if self.__dt__ is None: self.__dt__ = smallest_dtype(data) data = (data.astype(float)*(self.Skale/this_skale)).astype(self.__dt__) self.SampleIndex = (self.SampleIndex+1)%self.N self.Samples[self.SampleIndex] = data.astype(self.__dt__) print("Updated %s pixels" % np.sum(self.SegMap))
[docs]class AlexSegmentation(ViBeSegmentation): """ Segmentation method comparing input images to image-background buffer. Able to learn new background information. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(AlexSegmentation, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def segmentate(self, image, do_neighbours=True, mask=None, *args, **kwargs): super(ViBeSegmentation, self).segmentate(image) data = np.asarray(image, ndmin=2) self.Mask = mask if self.width is None or self.height is None: self.width, self.height = data.shape[:2] if len(data.shape) == 3: this_skale = np.mean(rgb2gray(data)) elif len(data.shape) == 2: this_skale = np.mean(data) else: raise ValueError('False format of data.') if this_skale == 0: this_skale = self.Skale if self.Skale is None: self.Skale = this_skale if self.__dt__ is None: self.__dt__ = smallest_dtype(data) data = (data.astype(float)*(self.Skale/this_skale)).astype(self.__dt__) if self.Samples is None: self.Samples = np.tile(data, self.N).reshape((self.N,)+data.shape) if self.SegMap is None: self.SegMap = np.ones((self.width, self.height), dtype=bool) if len(data.shape) == 3: diff = self.Samples.astype(next_dtype(-1*data)) diff = np.abs(rgb2gray(diff-data)) self.SegMap = (np.sum((diff > self.R).astype(np.uint8), axis=0, dtype=np.uint8) >= self.N_min).astype(bool) elif len(data.shape) == 2: diff = np.asarray([np.amax([sample, data],axis=0)-np.amin([sample, data], axis=0) for sample in self.Samples]) self.SegMap = (np.sum((diff > self.R).astype(np.uint8), axis=0, dtype=np.uint8) >= self.N_min).astype(bool) else: raise ValueError('False format of data.') if self.Mask is not None and np.all(self.Mask.shape == self.SegMap.shape): self.SegMap &= ~self.Mask return self.SegMap, diff def update(self, mask, image, do_neighbours=True): data = np.asarray(image, ndmin=2) if self.width is None or self.height is None: self.width, self.height = data.shape[:2] if len(data.shape) == 3: this_skale = np.mean(rgb2gray(data)) elif len(data.shape) == 2: this_skale = np.mean(data) else: raise ValueError('False format of data.') if this_skale == 0: this_skale = self.Skale if self.Skale is None: self.Skale = this_skale if self.__dt__ is None: self.__dt__ = smallest_dtype(data) data = (data.astype(float)*(self.Skale/this_skale)).astype(self.__dt__) image_mask = (np.random.rand(self.width, self.height)*self.Phi < 1) & mask sample_index = np.random.randint(0, self.N) self.Samples[sample_index][image_mask] = (data[image_mask]).astype(self.__dt__) print("Updated %s pixels" % np.sum(self.SegMap))
[docs]class BlobSegmentation(Segmentation): """ Segmentation method detecting blobs. """ def __init__(self, max_size, min_size=1, init_image=None): """ Segmentation method detecting blobs. Parameters ---------- min_size: int, optional Number of buffer frames. min_size: int, optional Minimum diameter of blobs. init_image: array_like, optional Image for initialisation of background. """ super(BlobSegmentation, self).__init__() self.Min = min_size self.Max = max_size self.Skale = None if init_image is not None: self.Skale = np.mean((np.sum(np.mean(self.Samples, axis=0).astype(np.uint32)**2, axis=-1)**0.5)) self.SegMap = None self.width = None self.height = None
[docs] def detect(self, image, do_neighbours=True, *args, **kwargs): """ Segmentation function. This compares the input image to the background model and returns a segmentation map. Parameters ---------- image: array_like Input Image. do_neighbours: bool, optional If True neighbouring pixels will be updated accordingly to their foreground vicinity, else this time-intensiv calculation will not be done. Returns ---------- SegMap: array_like, bool The segmented image. """ super(BlobSegmentation, self).detect(image) data = np.asarray(image, ndmin=2) if self.width is None or self.height is None: self.width, self.height = data.shape[:2] this_skale = np.mean((np.sum(data.astype(np.uint32)**2, axis=-1)**0.5)) if this_skale == 0: this_skale = self.Skale if self.Skale is None: self.Skale = this_skale data = (data.astype(float)*(self.Skale/this_skale)).astype(np.int32) image = np.asarray(data, dtype=int) while len(image.shape) > 2: image = np.linalg.norm(image, axis=-1) if self.SegMap is None: self.SegMap = np.ones((self.width, self.height), dtype=bool) self.SegMap = img_as_uint(-1* skimage.filters.laplace( skimage.filters.gaussian(image.astype(np.uint8), self.Min))) self.SegMap = (self.SegMap/256).astype(np.uint8) self.SegMap = (self.SegMap) >0 & (self.SegMap <6) return self.SegMap
[docs]class FlowDetector(Segmentation): def __init__(self, flow=None, pyr_scale=0.5, levels=3, winsize=15, iterations=3, poly_n=5, poly_sigma=1.2, flags=0, *args, **kwargs): super(FlowDetector, self).__init__() self.Flow = flow self.PyrScale = pyr_scale self.Levels = levels self.WinSize = winsize self.Iterations = iterations self.PolyN = poly_n self.PolySigma = poly_sigma self.Flags = flags self.Prev = None def segmentate(self, image, *args, **kwargs): if self.Prev is None: raise AttributeError("First a starting image has to be added by FlowDetector.update") return cv2.calcOpticalFlowFarneback(self.Prev, image, self.Flow, self.PyrScale, self.Levels, self.WinSize, self.Iterations, self.PolyN, self.PolySigma, self.Flags) def update(self, mask, image, *args, **kwargs): if self.Prev is None: self.Prev = image else: self.Prev[mask] = image[mask] def detect(self, image, *args, **kwargs): out = self.segmentate(image, *args, **kwargs) mask = kwargs.get("mask", np.ones_like(image, dtype=bool)) self.update(mask, image, *args, **kwargs) return out
[docs]class EmperorDetector(FlowDetector): def __init__(self, initial_image, **kwargs): super(EmperorDetector, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.Area = kwargs.get("area", 10) self.LowerLimitArea = kwargs.get("lower_limit_area", 1) self.UpperLimitArea = kwargs.get("upper_limit_area", 50) rf1 = RegionFilter("area", self.Area, lower_limit=self.LowerLimitArea, upper_limit=self.UpperLimitArea) self.LuminanceThreshold = kwargs.get("luminance_threshold", 1.3) self.RegionDetector = RegionPropDetector([rf1]) image = np.asarray(initial_image) if len(image.shape) == 3: image_int = rgb2gray(image) elif len(image.shape) == 2: image_int = image else: raise ValueError("Initial Image must be a RGB or Gray image!") self.update(np.ones_like(image_int, dtype=bool), image_int) def detect(self, image0, image1, *args, **kwargs): image0 = np.asarray(image0) image1 = np.asarray(image1) if len(image0.shape) == 3: image0_int = rgb2gray(image0) elif len(image0.shape) == 2: image0_int = image0 else: raise ValueError("Input Image must be a RGB or Gray image!") if len(image1.shape) == 3: image1_int = rgb2gray(image1) elif len(image1.shape) == 2: image1_int = image1 else: raise ValueError("Input Image must be a RGB or Gray image!") flow = super(EmperorDetector, self).detect(image1_int, *args, **kwargs) if not flow.shape == image1.shape[:2]+(2,): raise ValueError("Input Flow must be of shape [M,N,2]! (M,N being the image dimensions)") win_size = self.WinSize flowX = flow.T[0].T flowY = flow.T[1].T amax = np.amax(np.abs(flow)) flowX = filters.gaussian(flowX / amax, sigma=win_size) * amax flowY = filters.gaussian(flowY / amax, sigma=win_size) * amax interpolatorX = RegularGridInterpolator((np.arange(flowX.shape[0]), np.arange(flowX.shape[1])), flowX) interpolatorY = RegularGridInterpolator((np.arange(flowY.shape[0]), np.arange(flowY.shape[1])), flowY) window_size = int(np.round(np.round(np.sqrt(self.Area))/np.pi)*2 + 1)*3 measurements = self.RegionDetector.detect( image0_int > self.LuminanceThreshold*threshold_niblack(image0_int, window_size=window_size) , image0_int) indices, points_x, points_y = np.asarray([[i, m.PositionX, m.PositionY] for i, m in enumerate(measurements)], dtype=object).T points = np.asarray([points_x, points_y]).T vel_x = interpolatorX(points) vel_y = interpolatorY(points) for i in indices: measurements[i]["VelocityX"] = vel_y[i] measurements[i]["VelocityY"] = vel_x[i] return measurements
def rgb2gray(rgb): rgb = np.asarray(rgb) if len(rgb.shape)>2 and rgb.shape[2]==3: dt = rgb.dtype return[...,:3], [0.299, 0.587, 0.114]).astype(dt) elif len(rgb.shape)==2: return rgb else: raise ValueError("Array is not in image shape (N,M,3)!") def gray2rgb(gray): dt = gray.dtype return np.tensordot(gray, [1, 1, 1], axes=0).astype(dt) def next_dtype(array): dt = array.dtype if dt == and np.amin(array) >= 0: a_max = np.amax(array) if a_max < 2**8: return np.uint16 elif a_max < 2**16: return np.uint32 elif a_max < 2**32: return np.uint64 elif a_max < 2**64: return np.uint128 else: return np.float elif dt == a_max = max(-np.amin(array), np.amax(array)) if a_max < 2**7: return np.int16 elif a_max < 2**15: return np.int32 elif a_max < 2**31: return np.uint64 elif a_max < 2**63: return np.uint128 if dt == np.uint8: return np.uint16 elif dt == np.uint16: return np.uint32 elif dt == np.uint32: return np.uint64 elif dt == np.uint64: return np.uint128 elif dt == np.int8: return np.int16 elif dt == np.int16: return np.int32 elif dt == np.int32: return np.int64 elif dt == np.int64: return np.int128 elif type(dt) == np.dtype: return np.float else: raise ValueError("Input is not a numpy array") def smallest_dtype(array): dt = array.dtype if str(dt).count("int") and np.amin(array) >= 0: a_max = np.amax(array) if a_max < 2**8: return np.uint8 elif a_max < 2**16: return np.uint16 elif a_max < 2**32: return np.uint32 elif a_max < 2**64: return np.uint64 elif a_max < 2**128: return np.uint128 else: return np.float elif str(dt).count("int"): a_max = max(-np.amin(array), np.amax(array)) if a_max < 2**7: return np.int8 elif a_max < 2**15: return np.int16 elif a_max < 2**31: return np.uint32 elif a_max < 2**63: return np.uint64 elif a_max < 2**127: return np.uint128 elif type(dt) == np.dtype: return np.float else: raise ValueError("Input is not a numpy array") ####### LEGACY ######
[docs]class NKCellDetector(Detector): def __init__(self): super(NKCellDetector, self).__init__() def enhance(self, image, percentile): image -= np.percentile(image, percentile) image /= np.percentile(image, 100. - percentile) image[image < 0.] = 0. image[image > 1.] = 1. return image @detection_parameters(minProj=dict(frame=0, layer="MinProj", mask=False), minIndices=dict(frame=0, layer="MinIndices", mask=False), minProjPrvs=dict(frame=-1, layer="MinProj", mask=False), maxIndices=dict(frame=0, layer="MaxIndices", mask=False)) def detect(self, minProj, minIndices, minProjPrvs, maxIndices): data = gaussian_filter(minProj.astype(float)-minProjPrvs.astype(float), 5) data[data > 0] = 0. data = self.enhance(data, 1.) data = 1. - data mask = data > 0.5 labeled, num_objects = label(mask) regions = regionprops(labeled, intensity_image=data) regions = [r for r in regions if r.area > 100] out = [] mu = np.mean([prop.area for prop in regions]) for prop in regions: sigma = np.sqrt(prop.area) # assuming Poisson distributed areas prob = np.log(len(regions) / (2 * np.pi * sigma ** 2) ** 0.5) - 0.5 * ((prop.area - mu) / sigma) ** 2 intensities = prop.intensity_image[prop.image] mean_int = np.mean(intensities) std_int = np.std(intensities) # out.append(Measurement(prob, [prop.weighted_centroid[0], prop.weighted_centroid[1], mean_int], data=std_int)) out.append([prop.weighted_centroid[1], prop.weighted_centroid[0], mean_int, prob, std_int]) out = pandas.DataFrame(out, columns=["PositionX", "PositionY", "PositionZ", "Log_Probability", "IntensitySTD"]) # out = [Measurement(o[3], o[:3], data={"IntensitySTD": o[4]}) for o in out] return out, mask
[docs]class NKCellDetector2(Detector): def __init__(self): super(NKCellDetector2, self).__init__() def enhance(self, image, percentile): image = image.astype(np.float) image -= np.percentile(image, percentile) image /= np.percentile(image, 100. - percentile) image[image < 0.] = 0. image[image > 1.] = 1. return image @detection_parameters(minProj=dict(frame=0, layer="MinimumProjection", mask=False), minProjPrvs=dict(frame=-1, layer="MinimumProjection", mask=False)) def detect(self, minProj, minProjPrvs): minProjPrvs = self.enhance(minProjPrvs, 0.1) minProj = self.enhance(minProj, 0.1) data = gaussian_filter(minProj-minProjPrvs, 5) data[data > 0] = 0. data = -1. * data mask = data > 0.1 labeled, num_objects = label(mask) regions = regionprops(labeled, intensity_image=data) regions = [r for r in regions if r.area > 100] out = [] mu = np.mean([prop.area for prop in regions]) for prop in regions: sigma = np.sqrt(prop.area) # assuming Poisson distributed areas prob = np.log(len(regions) / (2 * np.pi * sigma ** 2) ** 0.5) - 0.5 * ((prop.area - mu) / sigma) ** 2 intensities = prop.intensity_image[prop.image] mean_int = np.mean(intensities) std_int = np.std(intensities) # out.append(Measurement(prob, [prop.weighted_centroid[0], prop.weighted_centroid[1], mean_int], data=std_int)) out.append([prop.weighted_centroid[1], prop.weighted_centroid[0], mean_int, prob, std_int]) out = pandas.DataFrame(out, columns=["PositionX", "PositionY", "PositionZ", "Log_Probability", "IntensitySTD"]) # out = [Measurement(o[3], o[:3], data={"IntensitySTD":o[4]}) for o in out] return out, mask
[docs]class TCellDetector(Detector): """ Detector classifying objects by area and number to be used with pengu-track modules. """ def __init__(self): super(TCellDetector, self).__init__() def enhance(self, image, percentile): image = image.astype(np.float) bgd = threshold_niblack(image, 51) image = image / bgd image -= np.percentile(image, percentile) image /= np.percentile(image, 100. - percentile) image[image < 0.] = 0. image[image > 1.] = 1. return image @detection_parameters(minProj=dict(frame=0, layer="MinimumProjection", mask=False), minIndices=dict(frame=0, layer="MinimumIndices", mask=False)) def detect(self, minProj, minIndices): minProj2 = self.enhance(minProj, 0.1) thres = filters.threshold_otsu(minProj2) mask = minProj2 < thres mask = skimage.morphology.binary_erosion(mask) # mask = remove_small_objects(mask, 24) maskedMinIndices = minIndices.copy() + 1 maskedMinIndices = maskedMinIndices.astype('uint8') # maskedMinIndices = maskedMinIndices.astype(np.uint8) # maskedMinIndices =[:] + 1 # maskedMinIndices = np.round(gaussian_filter(maskedMinIndices, 1)).astype( # maskedMinIndices = np.round(cv2.bilateralFilter(maskedMinIndices, -1, 3, 5)).astype( # maskedMinIndices = np.round(cv2.bilateralFilter(maskedMinIndices, -1, 3, 5)).astype( maskedMinIndices = np.round(cv2.bilateralFilter(maskedMinIndices, -1, 3, 5)).astype( # maskedMinIndices = np.round(cv2.bilateralFilter(maskedMinIndices, -1, 3, 5)).astype( maskedMinIndices[~mask] = 0 j_max = np.amax(maskedMinIndices) stack = np.zeros((j_max, minProj.shape[0], minProj.shape[1]), dtype=np.bool) for j in range(j_max): stack[j, maskedMinIndices == j] = True labels3D, n = label(stack, structure=np.ones((3, 3, 3))) labels2D = np.sum(labels3D, axis=0) - 1 # labels2D = remove_small_objects(labels2D, 24) regions = regionprops(labels2D, maskedMinIndices) areas = np.asarray([r.area for r in regions]) area_thres = filters.threshold_otsu(areas) * 0.7 if area_thres > 60: area_thres = 38.0 if area_thres < 10: area_thres = 10.0 regions = [r for r in regions if r.area >= area_thres] #centroids = np.asarray([r.centroid for r in regions]).T out = [] mu = np.mean([prop.area for prop in regions]) for prop in regions: sigma = np.sqrt(prop.area) # assuming Poisson distributed areas prob = np.log(len(regions) / (2 * np.pi * sigma ** 2) ** 0.5) - 0.5 * (( prop.area - mu) / sigma) ** 2 intensities = prop.intensity_image[prop.image] mean_int = np.mean(intensities) std_int = np.std(intensities) # out.append(Measurement(prob, [prop.centroid[0], prop.centroid[1], mean_int], data=std_int)) out.append([prop.weighted_centroid[1], prop.weighted_centroid[0], mean_int, prob, std_int]) out = pandas.DataFrame(out, columns=["PositionX", "PositionY", "PositionZ", "Log_Probability", "IntensitySTD"]) # out = [Measurement(o[3], o[:3], data={"IntensitySTD": o[4]}) for o in out] #res = 6.45 / 10 #out.PositionX *= res #out.PositionY *= res #out.PositionZ *= 10 return out, mask